Department: School of Art

Code Name Description
AAIC103 What Makes It Art? Open to Art Program BFA1 only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. What should a work of art be or do right now? In what ways has the nature or notion of art changed, and why? W...
AAIC110 Intro to Photo History Course open to BFA1 Photo/Media students only. Basics of a History of Photography. This course will provide a basic introduction to the history of photography. By charting out influential photographers, photographic works, and technological and cul...
AAIC265 Modern Art History in Review 1 Open to Art Program BFA2. Art Program BFA2 students will be pre-enrolled in this class. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course will investigate the development of m...
AAIC266 Modern Art History in Review 2 Open toArt Program BFA2. Art Program BFA2 students will be pre-enrolled in this class. This course will interrogate the contentious shifts from high modernism to postmodernity to the present understanding of an art world situated within the larger...
AAIC275 Historical Survey of GD A Open to BFA2 Graphic Design students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This slide/lecture course covers the development of graphic design in the context of the social...
AAIC276 Historical Survey of GD B Open to BFA2 Graphic Design students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This slide/lecture course covers the development of graphic design in the context of the social...
AAIC300 Visual Semiotics Open to Art School BFA 3 and BFA4. This course is designed to introduce basic ideas of structuralism (and some of its discontents) as they have been applied to the analysis and criticism of "the visual". After a brief but thorough explication of...
AAIC310 History of Photography The history of photography is studied through slide lectures, readings and class discussion. The class traces photographic modernism to its present crisis. We will consider both the privileged and mundane uses of photography, paying special attention...
AAIC323 Practice & Pedagogy: ArtPilots "Practice and Pedagogy: Art Pilots Students in this class will have the opportunity to explore their artmaking practice through in-class experimentation while gaining a set of critical skills that lend themselves to teaching. In this collaborative Ar...
AAIC324 Theaters of Refusal: Exhibition Politics This seminar takes its title from an exhibition curated by artist and CalArts faculty emeritus Charles Gaines at UC Irvine in 1993, titled "Theater of Refusal: Black Art and Mainstream Criticism." In his accompanying catalog essay, Gaines situates ma...
AAIC419 Routine Pleasures Open to Art Program BFA3 and BFA4. "For the rustle," asserts Roland Barthes, "implies a community of bodies: in the sounds of the pleasure which is 'working,' no voice is raised, guides, or swerves, no voice is constituted; the rustle is the very s...
AAIC421 Exhibiting Feminisms This course asks students to develop a collaborative project that will respond to the exhibition "Mobilizing Contents: Feminist Art Program" to be held at REDCAT gallery downtown LA, from Sept 6 to Dec 20, 2023. This exhibition activates the CalArts...
AAIC442 The History & Now of Motion Graphics Motion Graphics (also known as Motion Design) is everywhere. It permeates a multitude of spaces and practices including VR, AR, mixed reality, UI/UX, apps, platforms, games, experiences, and increasingly includes AI. It also includes film and TV titl...
AAIC462 Design Theory I In the words of a former student, theory is the thinking that advances the discipline. Theory works hand-in-hand with design history, criticism, and practice to support the realization of relevant and meaningful design work that challenges, plays wit...
AAIC463 Design Theory II Course available by Permission of Instructor only. BFA4 Graphic Design only. This course is intended for designers that view writing and curatorial activity as an essential part of their design process, and invites meditation on contemporary and hi...
AAIC500 Visual Semiotics Open to the Art School only. This course is designed to introduce basic ideas of structuralism (and some of its discontents) as they have been applied to the analysis and criticism of "the visual". After a brief but thorough explication of both Pe...
AAIC506 Talent Show "Talent Show" is co-taught by Sharon Lockhart (Photo and Media) and Ariel Osterweis (Dance). This is a course in practice and theory, and explores topics such as amateurism, aspiration, and adolescence. Working through questions of format (stage, tel...
AAIC510 History of Photography Course available by Permission of Instructor only. The history of photography is studied through slide lectures, readings and class discussion. The class traces photographic modernism to its present crisis. We will consider both the privileged and mu...
AAIC523 Practice & Pedagogy: ArtPilots "Practice and Pedagogy: Art Pilots Students in this class will have the opportunity to explore their artmaking practice through in-class experimentation while gaining a set of critical skills that lend themselves to teaching. In this collaborative Ar...
AAIC524 Theaters of Refusal: Exhibition Politics This seminar takes its title from an exhibition curated by artist and CalArts faculty emeritus Charles Gaines at UC Irvine in 1993, titled "Theater of Refusal: Black Art and Mainstream Criticism." In his accompanying catalog essay, Gaines situates ma...
AAIC575 Historical Survey of GD A Open to MFA Graphic Design students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This slide/lecture course covers the development of graphic design in the context of the social...
AAIC576 Historical Survey of GD B Open to MFA Graphic Design students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This slide/lecture course covers the development of graphic design in the context of the social...
AAIC619 Routine Pleasures Open to Art School only. "For the rustle," asserts Roland Barthes, "implies a community of bodies: in the sounds of the pleasure which is 'working,' no voice is raised, guides, or swerves, no voice is constituted; the rustle is the very sound of p...
AAIC621 Exhibiting Feminisms This course asks students to develop a collaborative project that will respond to the exhibition "Mobilizing Contents: Feminist Art Program" to be held at REDCAT gallery downtown LA, from Sept 6 to Dec 20, 2023. This exhibition activates the CalArts...
AAIC642 The History & Now of Motion Graphics Motion Graphics (also known as Motion Design) is everywhere. It permeates a multitude of spaces and practices including VR, AR, mixed reality, UI/UX, apps, platforms, games, experiences, and increasingly includes AI. It also includes film and TV titl...
AAIC662 Design Theory I In the words of a former student, theory is the thinking that advances the discipline. Theory works hand-in-hand with design history, criticism, and practice to support the realization of relevant and meaningful design work that challenges, plays wit...
AAIC663 Design Theory II Course available by Permission of Instructor only. Graphic Design MFA only. This course is intended for designers that view writing and curatorial activity as an essential part of their design process, and invites meditation on contemporary and his...
AART001 Heavy Metal Open to Art School only. This is a 6-week intensive workshop, built around metalworking fundamentals in order to execute small-scale objects. M.I.G., T.I.G. and fabricating basics will be covered.
AART008 Claylab - Wheelthrowing This five-week intensive workshop will focus on the basics of wheelthrowing including wedging, centering, throwing, trimming, firing, and glazing. During each class students will have access to a throwing wheel and a class supply of clay to practice...
AART009 Claylab - Handbuilding This workshop will be a five week intensive exploration into constructing sculptures and objects with clay. Topics covered will include handbuilding, coiling, slab forming, firing, and glazing. We will work on one project for the duration of the cour...
AART010 Art Hazards This one-day workshop is restricted to and mandatory for BFA 1 students in the Art and Photography & Media Programs. The visual arts can pose significant risks to the health and safety of artists.This workshop provides an overview of some of the most...
AART011 Visiting Artist Lectures This practicum workshop is open to the Institute. Presentation of work by visiting artists, designers, and visiting faculty. Attendance is required at all lectures. Workshop is limited to 50 students. (Please refer to course syllabi provided by each...
AART012 Welding This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Students will learn basic welding techniques (proper safety precautions, laying a bead, posture, and the advantages of working with a partner or team) as well as properly cutting and e...
AART013 Drawing This practicum workshop is open to the Institute. This course will focus on drawing and the use of fundamental drawing tools in order to support the foundations on which to express ideas and concepts through 2-D Composition. We will discuss the eleme...
AART014 Sound This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Students will learn about the implementation of sound in different contexts such as installation and performance, as well as examine the history of sound in a range of trajectories suc...
AART016 Sculpture This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Using the framework of a studio-based course, Sculpture provides BFA students the opportunity to study technical and conceptual processes through hands-on experience. Understanding the...
AART017 Video in the Expanded Field This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School Art and Photo/Media BFA students. This workshop will focus on video documentation of performance art, participatory projects, and multi-media performance installations. Different instructors will ap...
AART018 Performance This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Using the framework of a studio-based course, Performance focuses on themes of participation, audience, gesture, authorship, collaboration. Different instructors may approach the metho...
AART019 Mold-Making This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students.This practicum workshop provides students the opportunity to study technical processes of moldmaking through developing a final project. Molds offer the possibility of a deeper understa...
AART020 Video This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Using the framework of a studio-based course, Video provides BFA students the opportunity to study technical and conceptual processes through hands-on experience. Video is a time-base...
AART021 Ceramics This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students.Using the framework of a studio-based course, Ceramics provides BFA students the opportunity to study technical and conceptual processes through hands on experience. Ceramics offer an e...
AART022 Painting: Painting Supports This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students.Using the framework of a studio-based course, Painting provides BFA students the opportunity to study technical and conceptual processes through hands on experience. Different instructo...
AART023 Printmaking: Silkscreen This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This class will introduce students to alternative and advanced silk-screening techniques through hands-on workshops. Students will learn how to prepare files for CMYK silk-screening u...
AART025 Digital Skills This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students.Using the framework of a studio-based course, Digital Skills provides BFA students the opportunity to study technical and conceptual processes through hands on experience. Hands-on, con...
AART026 Textile Art This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Textiles are two-dimensional surfaces that can be cut and combined in different ways to become three dimensional forms. Fabric has been used to create shelters (tents), household objec...
AART028 Installation: Site and Install This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students.This practicum workshop provides students the opportunity to study conceptual processes of Installation Art through developing a final project. Different instructors may approach the me...
AART029 Art Writing This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students.Students will be introduced to a wide variety of source material which deals in varying ways with the issues in writing and the relationships between art and language. Different instruc...
AART030 Painting: Color This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This is a hands-on practical workshop where students will focus on communicating with color. The workshop will consider the physical properties of color and how color presents itself a...
AART032 Basket Weaving No Description Set
AART033 Printmaking: Collagraphy This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. The collagraph method of printmaking allows the artist to make impressions based on manipulated found materials. Printing blocks are made by adhering found materials to wood, thereby c...
AART036 Performance: Techniques This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. In this hands-on workshop, students will learn to work collaboratively on developing and producing a performance work or very short video. Different instructors may approach the method...
AART039 Zine Culture & Self Publishing This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This workshop opens up the world of zine culture and the power of zines to articulate experience and build community.  Self-publishing on-line and in print offers multiple possibilitie...
AART042 Fabric and Textiles This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This multidisciplinary workshop will consider textiles and fabrics as raw materials for art making.  Different instructors will approach the method and concept of Fabric and Textiles d...
AART046 Relief Printmaking This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Students will learn press-less Relief Printmaking methods and pattern and motif design. Through hands-on exercises, students will learn to design, transfer, carve, register, print, and...
AART048 LA's Artist-Run Spaces What makes an artist-run space different from another gallery or non-profit organization? Artist-run spaces are founded by and driven by the ideas and dreams of artists, though they often transform over time. Through a series of case studies, this co...
AART049 The Body in 360°- Exploring the Spatial Using our bodies and surrounding environments, we will explore the physical and virtual possibilities of VR filmmaking with the Insta 360 One x2 VR camera. We will research the duality of physical and virtual world building by looking at the formal r...
AART050 Experiments in Art Writing Whether you are an artist working on their statement, making a book, writing for a contemporary art publication, documenting their process, or simply looking to artist books and writings for inspiration, this course is for you. We will study works by...
AART101 Foundation Seminar BFA1 Art Program students will be pre-enrolled in this class, along with What Makes it Art(AAIC-103). In order to have a better understanding of the work you make and how that work interacts with culture, it is important to begin to grapple with th...
AART102 Foundation B BFA1 Art Program students will be pre-enrolled in this class. In order to have a better understanding of the work you make and how that work interacts with culture, it is important to begin to grapple with the relationship between your art and art...
AART104 Foundation Studio Foundation Studio is intended to provide a hands-on opportunity for students to understand and engage with a variety of approaches to studio practice. Students will be introduced to the program's labs, including the Supershop, the print and digital m...
AART109 Foundation in Two Dimensions Foundation in Two Dimensions: Painting, Drawing, and More is a studio-based course intended as an introduction to painting, drawing, collage, and other two-dimensional approaches and is intended to complement the Art Foundation curriculum. This cours...
AART199 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AART201 Post Foundation Sem: What's Goin' On? Post Foundation Seminar/Critique: What's Goin' On? This required course invites students to articulate and develop relationships between theory and practice. Seminar-style reading discussions will be conducted, alternating with individual present...
AART203 Post-Foundation Visiting Artist BFA2 Art Program students will be pre-enrolled in this class. This required course is in tandem with the Visiting Artist's Lecture Series. BFA 2 Art Program students are expected to attend the weekly lectures and to participate in this weekly se...
AART205 Studio Workshop Series The Studio Workshop Series is comprised of short, but intensive discipline-specific studio-based workshops that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands-on experience. Each session is taught by d...
AART205D Molto Brutto: Brutalist Furniture So, you've taken the Super Shop's Orientation, now what? Looking to fill the vacuum with some tangible building skills? This 6-week technical workshop class might be for you! We will be using Enzo Mari's wooden furniture design classic textbook: 'Aut...
AART205E Silkscreen Workshop Silkscreen workshop is for incoming students within the Art School. This workshop is intensive on learning how to approach silkscreening. We will focus on registration, paper, and ink additives. There is a $50 course fee, which provides most materi...
AART205F Relief Printing Workshop This workshop is for incoming students within the School of Art. The workshop is an intensive on learning how to approach relief printing using type high linoleum blocks. Vandercook Proof Press will be utilized for the printing process. We will focus...
AART205G Etching Workshop This workshop is for incoming students within the School of Art. The workshop is intensive on learning how to approach intaglio printing using copper metal. Takach Press will be utilized for the printing process. We will explore additive processes li...
AART205H Monotype Workshop Known as the most painterly process in print. We will be exploring the "one off" through the monotype process. The Takach press will be utilized. Exploring different scopes through additive and subtractive methods. Utilizing found materials, stencil...
AART210 Studio Series The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands-on experience. Each session is taught by different faculty. Multiple sessi...
AART210A Drawing Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210B Painting Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210C Sculpture Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210D Print & Digital Media Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210E Video Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210F Social Practice Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to BFA3 and BFA4 Art Program students by Permission of Instructor. The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn bo...
AART210G Ceramics Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210J Writing Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210K Time Based Studio: Copies & Fakes Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210L Sound in Art Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART210N Sculpture for Staying Alive What does it mean to have the basic necessities of life? Are food, water, and shelter enough? Do we not need human interaction, culture, and art? We will engage basic survival strategies, from gleaning to codeswitching, to address questions of enviro...
AART210P Intensive Painting Workshop Open to Art School BFAs. An advanced painting class. Experimentation is encouraged. Involves class critiques, readings, image presentations, field trips, and in class studio work.
AART210T Time Based Studio: Making Scenes This is a production studio course for artists on creating/directing narrative scenes/vignettes. This is an intro to narrative for camera. Students will plan, structure, shoot and edit two given dramatic scenes with the goal to understand and potenti...
AART210T Time Based Studio: Making Scenes This is a production studio course for artists on creating/directing narrative scenes/vignettes. This is an intro to narrative for camera. Students will plan, structure, shoot and edit two given dramatic scenes with the goal to understand and potenti...
AART210U Drawing, a Verb Drawing, a Verb is a gathering space for students who love to draw. We will meet weekly for improvisational drawing that is followed by an open critique of drawings created in class. During each session, students will be provided with drawing materia...
AART210V a sewing/pattern-making studio class Feminist Quilting Bee is a sewing/pattern-making studio class that explores how artists create new artworks while gossiping, warning, and informing one another as a form of care. Deeply informed by feminist essays such as Kwame Holme's "What's The Te...
AART211 Drawing Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to BFA3 and BFA4 Art Program students by Permission of Instructor. The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn bo...
AART214 Print & Digital Media Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to BFA3 and BFA4 Art Program students by Permission of Instructor. The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn bo...
AART295 BFA Critique This is a critique course intended for BFAs. Working in a group dynamic, students will gain the ability to better articulate their work and the work of their peers. Online enrollment is open to BFA students in the Program in Art in their 2nd, 3rd, or...
AART299 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AART300A Open Critique Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Open Critique is a venue for students to critically examine their work in the context of a peer dialogue guided by t...
AART300H Open Painting Critique This is a standard painting critique, open to virtually anyone with the painting practice. Although not a studio class, technique will be discussed when necessary; one on one meetings may take place regarding technique when called for or requested....
AART300J Snapshots This class will be a laboratory of the quotidien. Everyday crumbs swept together hastily. Small irresolute gestures, form on the move. Every session; a reading, a screening, and some words that deal with dailiness, alienation, time, process, history,...
AART300K Diving Deep: Sculptural Critique This sculptural crit focuses on the development of each student's personal artistic voice. The goal is to strengthen student's understanding of their own sculptural work and how it relates to the broad range of techniques, forms and ideas that compri...
AART300L Queertiques Queertiques is an interdisciplinary critique course and seminar open to upper-level undergrad and grad students within the School of Art, and from other Schools with instructor permission. Queertiques or Queer Critiques embraces bell hooks and Tim De...
AART300M Sensing Crit: Do U Love What U Feel? Sensing Crit: Do U Love What U Feel? is a critique course that provides an opportunity to share work for critical feedback up to three times over the course of the semester. This course offers multiple in-depth critique approaches, including somatic,...
AART310C KE Sculpture: Existing in Possibility This kinetic sculpture course is about making things that work and going deep into our problem solving minds. We will aim to demystify and employ analog electronics and mechanisms, study organic and engineered systems and energies, and explore the ma...
AART310T Clay and Body Memory This course will focus on the physical and psychic relationships between the ceramic object and the human body as well as clay's ability to capture and make permanent the otherwise transitory nature of a gesture. We will generate work that necessita...
AART310U Rituals in Practice Rituals in Practice: Disciplines of Energetic This course explores definitions of presence, action, and esoteric belief to debate "the energetic" potential in artworks. We will speak about the space in between an object and viewer, examining a span o...
AART310Y Mixing and Modifying Ceramic Glazes This independent study group will focus on researching and developing ceramic glazes from raw chemicals. Students will choose a type of glaze and/or color to develop throughout the semester beginning with published glaze recipes and modifying those r...
AART310Z Next Level Clay This course will explore advanced methods for the production of clay / ceramic sculpture and design objects. Students will work on projects independently with weekly group meetings for progress reports of in-process work. Individualized one-on-one...
AART311B The 360° Narrative This class will explore the idea of multiple narratives being told at once, while all holding their own identity and equal ground, but yet becoming one. Students will contemplate how each narrative element relates to one another, both in harmony and...
AART311C Clay, Light and Shadow This course will cover the processes for constructing three dimensional sculptures and objects in clay while exploring the material and metaphorical relationships between light and shadow. Through exercises in experimentation, we will work with intui...
AART311E Sound Affects - Sound Art This course will include a series of lectures, workshops, and assignments with emphasis on experimentation and pre-production strategies and techniques for capturing, creating, reproducing, and manipulating sound and audio materials in conventional a...
AART311F Building&Breaking Into & As Practice "First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is persistence in practice." Octavia Butler, Bloodchild and Other...
AART311G Making Bodies Making Bodies is a materially-driven sculpture studio course open to intermediate and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students that aims to generate alternative ways of viewing and understanding bodies. Students will manipulate materials to re...
AART311H Rip It Up and Start Again During this class we will investigate the significance of collecting materials relevant to each of our practices. We will explore the possibilities for arranging those materials into various forms, particularly collage. How can a collage reveal one's...
AART311J Wood Sculpture Engaging both the pragmatic and the imaginative, this sculpture course explores a singular material that lends itself to a variety of methodologies, processes, and associations. Throughout human history wood has lent its strength to functionality and...
AART311M Sculpture: Reclaiming the Material World Reappropriating objects, from the insignificant to the monumental! This sculpture course connects the present to the past; examining various contemporary art practices as well as functional, craft based processes from around the world. Students will...
AART311N Music To Paint To Throughout this studio class, we'll attempt to deconstruct the relationship between listening to music and painting as practice. Visual artists have always been influenced by music. Some show the specific influences of music in their work, like Corit...
AART311P Wheelthrowing, Attention, and Rest Making art at human scale. Internalizing the skills and process of wheelthrowing while disentangling from externalized attention economies and reprioritizing intra-and inter- personal connections. More simply; each week a group of students will meet...
AART320 Open Seminar Series Open Seminar is a series of seminars of special topics chosen by the instructor. Reading, discussion, assigned projects and/or field trips may be used to invite students to examine their work in the context of a focused dialogue. In order for stude...
AART320H Is It Really Working Work, Unwork, Postwork and Labor in Capitalist Realities When we speak of work, we speak of a broad social and material construct, crucial in shaping experiences of reality and contouring the production of subjectivity. This understanding is rooted...
AART320S Materiality of Gesture Open to BFA3 and BFA4 students in the Art Program. Performance as an artistic (anti)disciplinary field is often historisized as emerging from a will towards immateriality, grappling with art's commodity status and situating its practice at the thres...
AART320T History, Exper. & Aesthetic Implications Open to BFA3 and BFA4 students in the Art Program. Postcolonial Theory: History, Experience and Aesthetic Implications Postcolonial theory (also referred to as anti-colonial theory) emerged as an activist and cultural production in reaction to the...
AART320W Seminar: Art as Resistance Open to BFA 3 & 4 students in the Art Program. Resistance comes in all forms.this course will delve into resistance in the form of art and introduce community based activism as a crucial point of origin for such a type of resistance. It will review...
AART321 Open Seminar Series Open Seminar is a series of seminars of special topics chosen by the instructor. Reading, discussion, assigned projects and/or field trips may be used to invite students to examine their work in the context of a focused dialogue. In order for stude...
AART321A Love Making This course will explore love as a source of guidance and nurture for the artist who makes. It will begin with the proposition that love is a philosophy with the capacity to transform stagnant and dire social and material realities, while also undert...
AART321B Illusions of Control "Tech Nightmares, Illusions of Control" is a hybrid seminar + practice course conceived as a critical survey on different positions that articulate rejection, skepticism and resistance to the current developments of information technology. Throughout...
AART321C Propaganda for Thinking "Propaganda that stimulates thinking, in no matter what field, is useful to the cause of the oppressed. Such propaganda is very much needed. Under governments which serve to promote exploitation, thought is considered base." - Bertolt Brecht This co...
AART321D Welcome to Migranthood! Welcome to Migranthood! Speaking at a conference on identity in 1987, Stuart Hall said, "My own sense of identity has always depended on the fact of being a migrant.. [Now] I find myself centered at last. Now that in the postmodern age you all feel...
AART321F Friends Playing Friends Playing is a studio-seminar course in which we will look at friendship and play as two necessary components of a future yet to be imagined or narrativized. Wherever we look we see private property and individuals navigating the world alone...
AART321G Foodways in Sculpture and Social Practic In Foodways we will work on creating sculptures and experiences that center food and other materials that are biological. We will think through a sequence of projects called dinner parties, where the totality of the experience will be considered. If...
AART321K The Entanglement of Matter and Meaning This is a class about ghosts. In this course, we delve into the haunting legacies of forced removals and violent dispossession, exploring how their affectivity and materiality persist through time in archives and historical records that are filled wi...
AART356 Finite and Infinite Games "There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play." In this advanced seminar we'll use James Carse's n...
AART357 A Short Correspondence Course: Creating This class will be a collaboration across three art schools, CalArts, HDK Hamburg, and KABK The Hague, and will an attempt to create community through both digital and material means, framed through a reconsideration of Mail Art. Mail Art flourished...
AART358 ABSENT This class will consider absence (also known as "negative space") as content and a composition tool for creating installations, sculptures, and conceptual art works. This class focuses on the presence of absence, and will consider the political and c...
AART360 Sculpture Seminar: Sustainability Join me in inquiry and research of the following: What does a sculptural practice looks like when it is sustainable for our ecosystem, finance, and mental health? How do we reframe constraints and policing as possibilities and liberation? Operating o...
AART361 Text on the Run This seminar/practice course is a hands-on observation on how our art experiments, mediums and subjects are altered by the language of persecution. Can text be the starting point to split, cut, and interfere our interdisciplinary practices? Through a...
AART362 Deviant Objects & Performance This course is a studio-seminar course for advanced undergraduate and graduate students that focuses on intersections of performance art and sculpture, centering relationships between deviant materiality, bodies, and the performance of objecthood. St...
AART363 Art Perception and Collective Connection Through engaging in various creative forms, including drawing, photography, performance, video production, and sonic exploration, students will critically analyze and reimagine the ancient past, challenge cultural norms, and cultivate a sense of comm...
AART364 Southern California Coast Stories During this class, we will explore the historical, political, biological and geological dynamics that have shaped the coast of Southern California. Committed to a site specific model, this pedagogical approach will focus on indigenous approaches and...
AART365 Inquiry at Heart Do you question everything? Do you have a question for an answer? Let's talk about processes, and expand our methodologies of cyclical discovery. Let's question, conduct research, form hypotheses, create experiments, annotate data analysis, get to a...
AART399 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AART406 Getting to Third Open to Art School BFA3 and BFA4. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This is a seminar/studio class in which we will journey in an (idiosyncratic) history of thought and art...
AART407 Keeping It Real Open to Art School BFA3 and BFA4. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course will bring students into an up-to-date conversation about "source materials" that influence...
AART411 Critique Each student will present their work to the class at least once during the semester. The student presenting work can determine some of the parameters for her/his critique. S/he may either opt to introduce the work before the discussion begins or s/h...
AART418 Montage & Memory This course will examine historical and contemporary use of montage effects in still photography, film, video, painting, collage, assemblage, performance, and installation art. Slide lectures, videos, and films will be reviewed, as well assigned rea...
AART422 The Contemporary Exhibition Open to Art School BFA3 and BFA4. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course will consider the exhibition as a/the primary context for defining the objectives and parame...
AART424 Expansive Fields: The Ramble Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Students enrolling in this course must be in the Santa Clarita or greater Los Angeles area. During this course,...
AART426 Writing Workshop Art School only. Critical discussion of students' writing. Presentations are e-mailed to the group early in the week. Two presentations are considered and critiqued each session.
AART427 People's Theory Co-taught by John Mandel and Michael Fink, Music School faculty. An interdisciplinary seminar for Art School students and composers and performers in the Music School, it includes participants from other disciplines as well. This critique aims to cra...
AART435 Articulation Open to Art School BFA3 or BFA4. This class is a forum for students to articulate their art practices through generative thinking, and also to examine the "articular" space both within and between language and art.
AART437 Work in Context Open to Art Program and Photography & Media Program BFA3 and BFA4. Artworks are understood within the terms of the histories and traditions of the various media in play, and also as they intersect with the larger context of contemporary culture. I...
AART444 Tuff Luxe Crit "Tuff Luxe Crit" is a critique class for the serious artist who is ready for an extreme close-up. That is, this course offers a concrete/exploratory, personal/political, historical/philosophical analysis of each student's chosen body of work done whi...
AART446 Collisions Explain Everything Open to Art School BFA4. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. "[The] body both biological and psychical. This understanding of the body as a hinge or threshold b...
AART448 Ask Shirley BFA seminar style class with topics chosen by enrolled students that are relevant to their own practices. As young artists learn of the many approaches or models they may choose to base their practices on, it is both liberating and intimidating at...
AART453 Time Based Studio: Video Apocalypse Time Based Studio: Video Apocalypse This is a comprehensive class on video practice that includes a historical survey and technical instruction. The student will learn to operate the school of art's production and exhibition equipment including ligh...
AART462 The Lost River and the Missing Lake Lost River/ Missing Lake: The Politics of Water in Los Angeles. This class will explore specific ways to transform real-world research into multi-form artworks. The research at the core of the class will focus on the problems of water scarcity in Los...
AART464 Sound and Video in Space Sound and Video in Space: Where the Quotidian Meets the Marvelous 3D sound and video installation will be studied, explored, and executed in class. Students will be asked to build their own installations both collaboratively with other students and...
AART482 The End After-Catastrophe in Theory, Art The End After - Catastrophe in theory and poetics of cinema and video art Not simply a survey of cinematic cautionary apocalyptic parables: this is a seminar/crit on time and on the function of ending/continuity in our art and theory. The class is al...
AART483 "no Mastery, No Flaky" - a Crit Class We don't make art alone - even though we are or often feel, alone in our thoughts, studios, ideas, or visions. This group course considers how we might reconsider notions of mutuality, collaboration, and collegiality alongside our art making. Expe...
AART484 The Ephemeral and Letting Go Both a survey of fleeting work from contemporary art history as well as an exploration of ephemerality's expressive potential in our own studio practice. Performance, sound, social sculpture, impermanent materials and their afterimage will all be inv...
AART485 Queer Archives: Art&Advocacy From the VISUAL AIDS website: "Visual AIDS utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over." We will focus on art, artists and practices in the subject of archives, advo...
AART486 The Multiform Elsewhere While Western thought has a long tradition of absolutes-isolating self from environment, active from passive, cause from effect, there have always been strands of thought that complicate, refuse, or upend this model, and focus instead on the intersub...
AART487 Performing Problems This hybrid practice and seminar course, Performing Problems, explores and theorizes performance (live, on-video, online) utilizing the provocation of a "problem". For this course, "problems" might include but are not restricted to the generosity of...
AART488 EastofBorneo: Research, Writing, Editing This is a studio course for students interested in research, writing, and editing. Centered on the ongoing work of EastofBorneo, the online magazine of contemporary art published by the Art School, the class will work in concert with the editorial te...
AART489 Autotelia: Writing Workshop for Artists This semester long course is a workshop in which students will have the opportunity to garner feedback about original writing, written in response to class prompts. The focus of our reading and writing will be on constraint-based writing, however loo...
AART497 BFA 4 Independent Studio This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Students will work on independent projects in their studios with the goal of realizing their mid-residency and final exhibitions. Productive conversations with peers and faculty will c...
AART499 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AART500 Open Critique Series Open Critique is a venue for students to examine their work critically in the context of a peer dialogue guided by the instructor. In order for students to take advantage of the diversity of approaches offered by our regular and visiting faculty, thi...
AART500A Open Critique Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Open Critique is a venue for students to examine their work critically in the context of a peer dialogue guided by...
AART500C Open Critique In this class we will explore the tension between the artwork itself and what surrounds it, such as the artist's persona, history, context, discourse, the internet and the circulation of the materials that contribute to its meaning. Each critique wi...
AART500H Open Painting Critique This is a standard painting critique, open to virtually anyone with the painting practice. Although not a studio class, technique will be discussed when necessary; one on one meetings may take place regarding technique when called for or requested....
AART500J Snapshots This class will be a laboratory of the quotidien. Everyday crumbs swept together hastily. Small irresolute gestures, form on the move. Every session; a reading, a screening, and some words that deal with dailiness, alienation, time, process, history,...
AART500K Diving Deep: Sculptural Critique This sculptural crit focuses on the development of each student's personal artistic voice. The goal is to strengthen student's understanding of their own sculptural work and how it relates to the broad range of techniques, forms and ideas that compri...
AART500L Queertiques Queertiques is an interdisciplinary critique course and seminar open to upper-level undergrad and grad students within the School of Art, and from other Schools with instructor permission. Queertiques or Queer Critiques embraces bell hooks and Tim De...
AART500M Sensing Crit: Do U Love What U Feel? Sensing Crit: Do U Love What U Feel? is a critique course that provides an opportunity to share work for critical feedback up to three times over the course of the semester. This course offers multiple in-depth critique approaches, including somatic,...
AART510 Open Studio Series Open Studio is comprised of descipline-specific studio-based courses that provide MFA and BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands-on experience. In order for students to take advantage of the diversity o...
AART510C KE Sculpture: Existing in Possibility This kinetic sculpture course is about making things that work and going deep into our problem solving minds. We will aim to demystify and employ analog electronics and mechanisms, study organic and engineered systems and energies, and explore the ma...
AART510T Clay and Body Memory This course will focus on the physical and psychic relationships between the ceramic object and the human body as well as clay's ability to capture and make permanent the otherwise transitory nature of a gesture. We will generate work that necessita...
AART510U Rituals in Practice Rituals in Practice: Disciplines of Energetic This course explores definitions of presence, action, and esoteric belief to debate "the energetic" potential in artworks. We will speak about the space in between an object and viewer, examining a span o...
AART510Y Mixing and Modifying Ceramic Glazes This independent study group will focus on researching and developing ceramic glazes from raw chemicals. Students will choose a type of glaze and/or color to develop throughout the semester beginning with published glaze recipes and modifying those r...
AART510Z Next Level Clay This course will explore advanced methods for the production of clay / ceramic sculpture and design objects. Students will work on projects independently with weekly group meetings for progress reports of in-process work. Individualized one-on-one...
AART511B The 360° Narrative This class will explore the idea of multiple narratives being told at once, while all holding their own identity and equal ground, but yet becoming one. Students will contemplate how each narrative element relates to one another, both in harmony and...
AART511C Clay, Light and Shadow This course will cover the processes for constructing three dimensional sculptures and objects in clay while exploring the material and metaphorical relationships between light and shadow. Through exercises in experimentation, we will work with intui...
AART511E Sound Affects - Sound Art This course will include a series of lectures, workshops, and assignments with emphasis on experimentation and pre-production strategies and techniques for capturing, creating, reproducing, and manipulating sound and audio materials in conventional a...
AART511F Building&Breaking Into & As Practice "First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is persistence in practice." Octavia Butler, Bloodchild and Other...
AART511G Making Bodies Making Bodies is a materially-driven sculpture studio course open to intermediate and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students that aims to generate alternative ways of viewing and understanding bodies. Students will manipulate materials to re...
AART511H Rip It Up and Start Again During this class we will investigate the significance of collecting materials relevant to each of our practices. We will explore the possibilities for arranging those materials into various forms, particularly collage. How can a collage reveal one's...
AART511J Wood Sculpture Engaging both the pragmatic and the imaginative, this sculpture course explores a singular material that lends itself to a variety of methodologies, processes, and associations. Throughout human history wood has lent its strength to functionality and...
AART511M Sculpture: Reclaiming the Material World Reappropriating objects, from the insignificant to the monumental! This sculpture course connects the present to the past; examining various contemporary art practices as well as functional, craft based processes from around the world. Students will...
AART511N Music To Paint To Throughout this studio class, we'll attempt to deconstruct the relationship between listening to music and painting as practice. Visual artists have always been influenced by music. Some show the specific influences of music in their work, like Corit...
AART511P Wheelthrowing, Attention, and Rest Making art at human scale. Internalizing the skills and process of wheelthrowing while disentangling from externalized attention economies and reprioritizing intra- and inter- personal connections. More simply; each week a group of nine people will m...
AART520 Open Seminar Series Open Seminar is a series of seminars of special topics chosen by the instructor. Reading, discussion, assigned projects and/or field trips may be used to invite students to examine their work in the context of a focused dialogue. In order for student...
AART520H Is It Really Working Work, Unwork, Postwork and Labor in Capitalist Realities When we speak of work, we speak of a broad social and material construct, crucial in shaping experiences of reality and contouring the production of subjectivity. This understanding is rooted...
AART520S Materiality of Gesture Performance as an artistic (anti)disciplinary field is often historisized as emerging from a will towards immateriality, grappling with art's commodity status and situating its practice at the threshold between theatricality and objecthood with the b...
AART520T History, Exper. & Aesthetic Implications Postcolonial Theory: History, Experience and Aesthetic Implications Postcolonial theory (also referred to as anti-colonial theory) emerged as an activist and cultural production in reaction to the violent colonization processes carried out by Europe...
AART520W Seminar: Art as Resistance Resistance comes in all forms...this course will delve into resistance in the form of art and introduce community based activism as a crucial point of origin for such a type of resistance. It will review a variety of historical and contemporary works...
AART521A Love Making This course will explore love as a source of guidance and nurture for the artist who makes. It will begin with the proposition that love is a philosophy with the capacity to transform stagnant and dire social and material realities, while also undert...
AART521B Illusions of Control "Tech Nightmares, Illusions of Control" is a hybrid seminar + practice course conceived as a critical survey on different positions that articulate rejection, skepticism and resistance to the current developments of information technology. Throughout...
AART521C Propaganda for Thinking "Propaganda that stimulates thinking, in no matter what field, is useful to the cause of the oppressed. Such propaganda is very much needed. Under governments which serve to promote exploitation, thought is considered base." - Bertolt Brecht This co...
AART521D Welcome to Migranthood! Welcome to Migranthood! Speaking at a conference on identity in 1987, Stuart Hall said, "My own sense of identity has always depended on the fact of being a migrant.. [Now] I find myself centered at last. Now that in the postmodern age you all feel...
AART521F Friends Playing Friends Playing is a studio-seminar course in which we will look at friendship and play as two necessary components of a future yet to be imagined or narrativized. Wherever we look we see private property and individuals navigating the world alone...
AART521G Foodways in Sculpture and Social Practic In Foodways we will work on creating sculptures and experiences that center food and other materials that are biological. We will think through a sequence of projects called dinner parties, where the totality of the experience will be considered. If...
AART521K The Entanglement of Matter and Meaning This is a class about ghosts. In this course, we delve into the haunting legacies of forced removals and violent dispossession, exploring how their affectivity and materiality persist through time in archives and historical records that are filled wi...
AART550 MFA Critique Course open to MFA1 Art Program students only. This critique class is designed for incoming MFA-1 students in the Art Program. In class, we will view and discuss each other's work, and begin to develop a discourse specific to the concerns of the gro...
AART554 MFA 1 Seminar Series MFA 1 SEMINAR SERIES Designed as a series of seminars of special topics chosen by the instructor. Multiple sections may be offered in the same semester. Please refer to course descriptions by each section instructor that specify the topic of the sem...
AART556 Finite and Infinite Games "There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play." In this advanced seminar we'll use James Carse's n...
AART557 A Short Correspondence Course: Creating This class will be a collaboration across three art schools, CalArts, HDK Hamburg, and KABK The Hague, and will an attempt to create community through both digital and material means, framed through a reconsideration of Mail Art. Mail Art flourished...
AART558 ABSENT This class will consider absence (also known as "negative space") as content and a composition tool for creating installations, sculptures, and conceptual art works. This class focuses on the presence of absence, and will consider the political and c...
AART560 Sculpture Seminar: Sustainability Join me in inquiry and research of the following: What does a sculptural practice looks like when it is sustainable for our ecosystem, finance, and mental health? How do we reframe constraints and policing as possibilities and liberation? Operating o...
AART561 Text on the Run This seminar/practice course is a hands-on observation on how our art experiments, mediums and subjects are altered by the language of persecution. Can text be the starting point to split, cut, and interfere our interdisciplinary practices? Through a...
AART562 Deviant Objects & Performance This course is a studio-seminar course for advanced undergraduate and graduate students that focuses on intersections of performance art and sculpture, centering relationships between deviant materiality, bodies, and the performance of objecthood. St...
AART563 Art Perception and Collective Connection Through engaging in various creative forms, including drawing, photography, performance, video production, and sonic exploration, students will critically analyze and reimagine the ancient past, challenge cultural norms, and cultivate a sense of comm...
AART564 Southern California Coast Stories During this class, we will explore the historical, political, biological and geological dynamics that have shaped the coast of Southern California. Committed to a site specific model, this pedagogical approach will focus on indigenous approaches and...
AART565 Inquiry at Heart Do you question everything? Do you have a question for an answer? Let's talk about processes, and expand our methodologies of cyclical discovery. Let's question, conduct research, form hypotheses, create experiments, annotate data analysis, get to a...
AART599 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AART606 Getting to Third Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This is a seminar/studio class in which we will journey in an (idiosyncratic) history of thought and art which ha...
AART607 Keeping It Real Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course will bring students into an up-to-date conversation about "source materials" that influence and dire...
AART611 Critique Each student will present their work to the class at least once during the semester. The student presenting work can determine some of the parameters for her/his critique. S/he may either opt to introduce the work before the discussion begins or s/...
AART612 Art & Politics What is the power of art? What is art for, who is it for, what does it do, is it for one or many? These are some of the question to which this seminar will be addressed. It will be a search for possibilities and their contestations in relation to imp...
AART618 Montage and Memory This course will examine historical and contemporary use of montage effects in still photography, film, video, painting, collage, assemblage, performance, and installation art. Slide lectures, videos, and films will be reviewed, as well assigned rea...
AART622 The Contemporary Exhibition Open to Art School only. This course will consider the exhibition as a the primary context for defining the objectives and parameters of contemporary art discourse. Among our concerns will be the shifting roles of artists and curators, sites of prod...
AART624 Expansive Fields: The Ramble Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Students enrolling in this course must be in the Santa Clarita or greater Los Angeles area. During this course,...
AART626 Writing Workshop Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor.Conventional writing workshop. Presentations are e-mailed to the group early in the week. Two presentations are co...
AART627 People's Theory Co-taught by John Mandel and Michael Fink, Music School faculty. An interdisciplinary seminar for Art School students and composers and performers in the Music School, it includes participants from other disciplines as well. This critique aims to cra...
AART635 Articulation Course open to Art School only. This class is a forum for students to articulate their art practices through generative thinking, and also to examine the "articular" space both within and between language and art.
AART637 Work in Context Open to Art, Photography & Media and Art & Technology programs. Artworks are understood within the terms of the histories and traditions of the various media in play, and also as they intersect with the larger context of contemporary culture. In p...
AART644 Tuff Luxe Crit "Tuff Luxe Crit" is a critique class for the serious artist who is ready for an extreme close-up. That is, this course offers a concrete/exploratory, personal/political, historical/philosophical analysis of each student's chosen body of work done wh...
AART646 Collisions Explain Everything This course is open to Art School students. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. "[The] body both biological and psychical. This understanding of the body as a h...
AART653 Time Based Studio: Video Apocalypse Time Based Studio: Video Apocalypse This is a comprehensive class on video practice that includes a historical survey and technical instruction. The student will learn to operate the school of art's production and exhibition equipment including lig...
AART662 The Lost River and the Missing Lake Lost River/ Missing Lake: The Politics of Water in Los Angeles. This class will explore specific ways to transform real-world research into multi-form artworks. The research at the core of the class will focus on the problems of water scarcity in Los...
AART664 Sound and Video in Space Sound and Video in Space: Where the Quotidian Meets the Marvelous 3D sound and video installation will be studied, explored, and executed in class. Students will be asked to build their own installations both collaboratively with other students and...
AART682 The End After-Catastrophe in Theory, Art The End After - Catastrophe in theory and poetics of cinema and video art Not simply a survey of cinematic cautionary apocalyptic parables: this is a seminar/crit on time and on the function of ending/continuity in our art and theory. The class is al...
AART683 "no Mastery, No Flaky" - a Crit Class We don't make art alone - even though we are or often feel, alone in our thoughts, studios, ideas, or visions. This group course considers how we might reconsider notions of mutuality, collaboration, and collegiality alongside our art making. Expe...
AART684 The Ephemeral and Letting Go Both a survey of fleeting work from contemporary art history as well as an exploration of ephemerality's expressive potential in our own studio practice. Performance, sound, social sculpture, impermanent materials and their afterimage will all be inv...
AART685 Queer Archives: Art&Advocacy From the VISUAL AIDS website: "Visual AIDS utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over." We will focus on art, artists and practices in the subject of archives, advo...
AART686 The Multiform Elsewhere While Western thought has a long tradition of absolutes-isolating self from environment, active from passive, cause from effect, there have always been strands of thought that complicate, refuse, or upend this model, and focus instead on the intersub...
AART687 Performing Problems This hybrid practice and seminar course, Performing Problems, explores and theorizes performance (live, on-video, online) utilizing the provocation of a "problem". For this course, "problems" might include but are not restricted to the generosity of...
AART688 EastofBorneo: Research, Writing, Editing This is a studio course for students interested in research, writing, and editing. Centered on the ongoing work of EastofBorneo, the online magazine of contemporary art published by the Art School, the class will work in concert with the editorial te...
AART689 Autotelia: Writing Workshop for Artists This semester long course is a workshop in which students will have the opportunity to garner feedback about original writing, written in response to class prompts. The focus of our reading and writing will be on constraint-based writing, however loo...
AART690 MFA 2 Seminar Series The MFA 2 seminar series is a 4 unit course facilitated by Art Program faculty and specifically created for graduating MFA students. Continuing with the work developed during the first MFA year this seminar is conceived as an opportunity to delve int...
AART690A MFA 2 Seminar: Art X World What are the intersections of art and politics? This question is difficult for many reasons, least of all that both terms are used interchangeably to talk about multiple facets of human organization- socially and spatially. These are some of the aspe...
AART699 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AART700 MFA Independent Studio Graduate students are expected to use these weeks as a serious block of time for studio work and meetings. All graduate students must enroll in MFA Independent Studio.
AART701 Heavy Metal Open to Art School only. This is a 6-week intensive workshop, built around metalworking fundamentals in order to execute small-scale objects. M.I.G., T.I.G. and fabricating basics will be covered.
AART705D Molto Brutto: Survivalist Furniture So, you've taken the Super Shop's what? Looking to fill the vacuum with some tangible building skills? This 6-week technical workshop class might be for you! We will be using Enzo Mari's wooden furniture design classic textbook: 'Auto...
AART705E Silkscreen Workshop Silkscreen workshop is for incoming students within the Art School. This workshop is intensive on learning how to approach silkscreening. We will focus on registration, paper, and ink additives. There is a $50 course fee, which provides most materi...
AART705F Relief Printing Workshop This workshop is for incoming students within the School of Art. The workshop is an intensive on learning how to approach relief printing using type high linoleum blocks. Vandercook Proof Press will be utilized for the printing process. We will focus...
AART705G Etching Workshop This workshop is for incoming students within the School of Art. The workshop is intensive on learning how to approach intaglio printing using copper metal. Takach Press will be utilized for the printing process. We will explore additive processes li...
AART705H Monotype Workshop Known as the most painterly process in print. We will be exploring the "one off" through the monotype process. The Takach press will be utilized. Exploring different scopes through additive and subtractive methods. Utilizing found materials, stencil...
AART708 Claylab - Wheelthrowing This three-week intensive workshop will focus on the basics of wheel throwing including wedging, centering, throwing, trimming, firing and glazing. During each class students will each have access to a throwing wheel and a class supply of clay to pra...
AART709 Claylab - Handbuilding This workshop will be a five week intensive exploration into constructing sculptures and objects with clay. Topics covered will include handbuilding, coiling, slab forming, firing, and glazing. We will work on one project for the duration of the cour...
AART710A Drawing Course open to Art School only, by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands-on experience....
AART710B Painting Course open to Art School only, by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands-on experience....
AART710C Sculpture Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710D Print & Digital Media Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710E Video Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710F Social Practice The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands on experience. At present, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Print Lab, Time-Bas...
AART710G Ceramics Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710J Writing Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710K Time Based Studio: Copies & Fakes Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710L Sound in Art Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to other students by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series comprises discipline-specific studio-based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and co...
AART710N Sculpture for Staying Alive What does it mean to have the basic necessities of life? Are food, water, and shelter enough? Do we not need human interaction, culture, and art? We will engage basic survival strategies, from gleaning to codeswitching, to address questions of enviro...
AART710P Intensive Painting Workshop Open to Art School BFAs. An advanced painting class. Experimentation is encouraged. Involves class critiques, readings, image presentations, field trips, and in class studio work.
AART710T Time Based Studio: Making Scenes This is a production studio course for artists on creating/directing narrative scenes/vignettes. This is an intro to narrative for camera. Students will plan, structure, shoot and edit two given dramatic scenes with the goal to understand and potenti...
AART710U Drawing, a Verb Drawing, a Verb is a gathering space for students who love to draw. We will meet weekly for improvisational drawing that is followed by an open critique of drawings created in class. During each session, students will be provided with drawing materia...
AART710V a sewing/pattern-making studio class Feminist Quilting Bee is a sewing/pattern-making studio class that explores how artists create new artworks while gossiping, warning, and informing one another as a form of care. Deeply informed by feminist essays such as Kwame Holme's "What's The Te...
AART711 Drawing Course open to Art School only, by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands on experie...
AART714 Print & Digital Media Course open to Art School only, by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands on experie...
AART719 Performance: OK ANIMALS Course available by Permission of Instructor only. The Studio Series is comprised of discipline-specific studio based courses that provide BFA students the opportunity to learn both technically and conceptually through hands on experience. At present...
AART799 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ACOM111 Digital Design Lab I Digital Design Lab I is open to BFA1 Graphic Design students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other schools, by permission of instructor. An introduction to basic Mac and Adobe software for graphic designers in...
ACOM112 Digital Design Lab II Digital Design Lab II is open to BFA1 Graphic Design students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other schools, by permission of instructor. A continuation of basic Mac and Adobe software for graphic designers inc...
ACOM218 Digital Skills for Artists Open to BFA1 and BFA2 Art Program students only. Open to BFA3 and BFA4 Art Program students by Permission of Instructor. Digital Skills for Artists provides hands-on, conceptual projects to integrate Mac and Adobe software skills with individual stu...
ACOM718 Artlab: Digital Skills for Artists Registration by Permission of Instructor only. Digital Skills for Artists provides hands-on, conceptual projects to integrate Mac and Adobe software skills with individual studio practice and critical thinking. Working on project driven assignments...
AGRA005 Workshop With Visiting Designer This practicum is restricted to Art School Graphic Design BFA 2, 3, and 4. Students will engage in a project or series of projects presented by a visiting artist. Projects are open-ended, but are intended to intersect with both the visiting artists'...
AGRA008 Experience Design This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This workshop examines the practice of designing memorable experiences using environments, video content, audio, light and technology. Participants will review a brief history of the p...
AGRA013 Typography in Title Design This workshop is open to the Institute. Manija Emran is an Afghan Graphic Designer and Typographer based in Los Angeles. With a love of the handmade, an eye for detail and an extensive typographic background, Manija studied in Montreal before working...
AGRA014 Intro to Cinema 4D This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This workshop provides an introduction to motion design and animation with Cinema 4D. Classes will feature a balance of software instruction, experimental design exercises, and assiste...
AGRA017 Intro to Unity for Designers This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA Students. This workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Unity has become increasingly popular with artists and designers for its real-time rendering capabilities and interactive possib...
AGRA019 Dig. Imagemaking-Dark Magic of Photoshop Digital Imagemaking - Dark Magic of Photoshop. This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Layers, masks, channels, Crtl+T. If you have no idea what they are, this workshop is for you. Learn the four horsemen and they will take...
AGRA023 Apparel Design: Salvage Self As we look to reduce the apparel industry's environmental impact and carbon footprint, this workshop explores how to salvage the old to create new. Through recycled materials, natural dye processes, deconstruction / reconstruction, you will have the...
AGRA025 End to End: an in Depth Look At Apparel In this workshop students will learn about the process of designing an apparel collection from concept to finish. Students will work in teams (virtually) and together will define a consumer and create a concept for a collection. Students will produce...
AGRA026 Contemporary Design Literacy Contemporary Design Literacy offers a deep dive into the many modes of practice in graphic design today, and examines how urgent issues, such as diversity and inclusion, affect graphic design. In this project-based workshop, students will research co...
AGRA027 The Brand Now A series of conversations, workshops and making sessions focusing on how contemporary brands function, how they show up in our lives, and why this matters. Branding strategies will be looked at critically from the point of view of the brand, the cons...
AGRA028 3.5D Typography 3.5D Typography will be a workshop focussed on type created specifically for three-dimensional use onscreen. By creating a digital wordmark for a brand or institution, students will create and animate dimensional letterforms that push the envelope to...
AGRA029 Honorable Mentions: Landmarks At Calarts In this workshop, participants will identify a landmark around the CalArts campus - it can be historic, personal, or constructed-and research or reflect on its importance. The landmarks can be concrete (the library, the blue wall, Ed Fella's office)...
AGRA030 Basic Lettering This workshop will cover the basics of handlettering and apply this to a final outcome. Students will learn foundational hand lettering and drawing techniques with traditional (painting) or digital (vector software) media. Students will have an oppor...
AGRA101 Graphic Design I Lecture Required for BFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-102. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. An introduction to the basic principles, strategies, methods and processes necessary for the practice of graphic de...
AGRA102 Graphic Design I Studio Required for BFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-101. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. The studio component for AGRA101. Concepts generated in AGRA101 are translated into visual form from initial ideat...
AGRA103 Graphic Design I Lecture Required for BFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-104. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. An introduction to the basic principles, strategies, methods and processes necessary for the practice of graphic de...
AGRA104 Graphic Design I Studio Required for BFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-103. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. The studio component for AGRA103. Concepts generated in AGRA103 are translated into visual form from initial ideat...
AGRA105 Design Issues Course open to BFA1 Graphic Design students only. Required for BFA1 Graphic Design students. An exploration of the theory and practice of Graphic Design. Readings, discussion and research will map out an introduction to the design profession, its...
AGRA110 Skills for Visualization Course open to BFA1 Graphic Design students only. A workshop in fundamental color theory; including basic color perception and vocabulary. Exercises will focus on color mixing, color harmony and color contrast. This course also addresses developing...
AGRA121 Intro to Digital Photography Required for BFA1 students in Graphic Design. With a focus on the needs of the contemporary graphic designer, this course is an introduction to the essential technical skills and information needed to produce high quality digital images. Through...
AGRA199 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AGRA201 Graphic Design II Lecture Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-202. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. This course builds on the basic design skills introduced in the first year by introducing conceptual thinking as th...
AGRA202 Graphic Design II Studio Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-201. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. The studio component for AGRA201. Concepts generated in AGRA201 are translated into visual form from initial ideat...
AGRA203 Graphic Design II Lecture Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-204. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. This course builds on the basic design skills introduced in the first year by introducing conceptual thinking as th...
AGRA204 Graphic Design II Studio Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-203. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Concepts generated in AGRA203 are translated into visual form from initial ideation to final outcome. This course...
AGRA215 Typography I Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design. Course open to BFA2 Graphic Design students only. Two semester sequence. Projects explore type terms and anatomy, classic and contemporary typography, and formal systems for composition and layout. Proj...
AGRA216 Typography II Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design. Course open to BFA2 Graphic Design students only. Second semester in two semester sequence. An introduction to the fundamentals of typography. Projects explore type terms and anatomy, classic and conte...
AGRA299 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AGRA301 Graphic Design III Lecture Required for BFA3 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-302. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Building on and advancing the objectives of GD I and II, this course challenges students to apply their design ski...
AGRA302 Graphic Design III Studio Required for BFA3 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-301. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Building on and advancing the objectives of GD I and II, this course challenges students to apply their design skil...
AGRA303 Graphic Design III Lecture Required for BFA3 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-302. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Building on and advancing the objectives of GD I and II, this course challenges students to apply their design skil...
AGRA304 Graphic Design III Studio Required for BFA3 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-301. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Building on and advancing the objectives of GD I and II, this course challenges students to apply their design skil...
AGRA315 Typography III Required for BFA3 students in Graphic Design. Course open to BFA3 Graphic Design students only. An exploration of the connotative and denotative nature of text, through systems of hierarchy and composition.
AGRA399 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AGRA401 Graphic Design IV Lecture Required for BFA4 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-402. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. The focus of this course is on refining design work and preparation for the professional world. Projects focus on...
AGRA402 Graphic Design IV Studio Required for BFA4 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-401. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Concepts generated in AGRA401 are translated into visual form from initial ideation to final outcome. This course...
AGRA403 Graphic Design IV Lecture Required for BFA4 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-404. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. The focus of this course is on refining design work and preparation for the professional world. Projects focus on...
AGRA404 Graphic Design IV Studio Required for BFA4 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-403. Course open to BFA Graphic Design students only. Concepts generated in AGRA403 are translated into visual form from initial ideation to final outcome. This course...
AGRA411 Visiting Designer Workshops This course provides an administrative and credit structure for a series of workshops by visiting graphic designers. The class will convene on around three occasions over the course of the semester for a visiting designer lecture (open to all student...
AGRA421 Imagemaking I Required for BFA2 students in Graphic Design. Imagemaking I provides a structure for an introduction to essential image-making materials and techniques. The course is centered on the divide between hand and digital processes and styles, and offers...
AGRA422 Imagemaking II Course open to BFA3 or BFA4 Art School students only. Image Making II provides a structure for an exploration and practice of traditional and digital image making techniques. Image II allows for more time, freedom and individuality than Imagemaking...
AGRA430 Beginning Web Course open to BFA2 and above Graphic Design students only by permission of instructor. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. The class covers the essential methodologies, proce...
AGRA435 Intro To VR Workshop/ Cinema 4D + Unity This course examines the VR workflow from Cinema 4D to Unity so as to create VR spaces and experiences. In a workshop type environment students will experiment with the new forms of design narratives made for the HTC Vive headset. Focus will be on st...
AGRA436 Advanced Publication Design In this advanced editorial design course students will work on developing a single print publication over the entire semester. The course will cover all aspects of editorial design from conception, content development, design direction, typography an...
AGRA437 Silkscreen Workshop Silkscreen workshop is for BFA 1 students within the Graphic Design program. The workshop is intensive on learning how to approach silkscreening for poster making. We will focus on registration, paper, and ink additives. A mandatory $50 Print and Me...
AGRA438 GD Program Visiting Designers: The Class Do you love seeing the Graphic Design Program's Visiting Designers but wish you could delve deeper AND get credit for attending the lectures and presentations? This class will achieve that! Each student (or possibly several students) will be assigne...
AGRA439 Designing The Design Centre Designing The Design Centre is part one of a two-semester (year-long) course for Graphic Design students who are interested in collectively conceptualizing, developing, and articulating a model for The Design Center at CalArts. The Design Center is p...
AGRA440A Future of Publications Mutant Design is a series of upper level graphic design seminars that deal with relevant and pertinent topical issues that usually exceed the traditional boundaries of Graphic Design. Reading, discussion, assigned projects and/or field trips may be u...
AGRA450 Graphic Design Workshop Course open to BFA3 or BFA4 Graphic Design students only. With faculty supervision, students design and produce posters and collateral material for CalArts events, along with theoretical projects that address specific design and production problems...
AGRA451 Professional Practice Course open to BFA4 Graphic Design students only, or by Permission of Instructor. From contracts to job negotiation, this course covers essential practical information necessary to contemporary professional practice. The class includes guests and fie...
AGRA460 Beginning Motion Graphics Course open to BFA2 and above Graphic Design students only by permission of instructor. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course explores basic concepts and methods for...
AGRA465 Animating with Cinema 4D This course is designed for anyone who is new to Cinema 4D and wants to learn how to create 3D stills and animation. The course covers Cinema 4D's interface, working within a 3D environment, modeling using the built in primitive and NURBs objects, ho...
AGRA470 Advanced Coding for the Web This course covers a broad spectrum of coding techniques that will enable students to create contemporary, responsive webpages. While discussions about design and usability are encouraged, the central focus will be on front-end development. Students...
AGRA471 User Experience Design for the Web The course focuses on the visual and functional aspects of user experience design for the web. The projects will be geared towards creating mockups and prototypes. While not worrying about coding, we will deeply explore the project phases necessary t...
AGRA474 Typographics I A Course open to BFA4 Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. This studio course explores current issues in typographic practice - historic and contemporary typographic practice, as well as the relationship between typography...
AGRA475 Type Design A Course open to BFA4 Graphic Design students only and by Permission of Instructor only. The objective of this class is to give students a general understanding of letterforms, typeface design and how to draw with Bezier technology. First semester...
AGRA476 Type Design B Course open to BFA4 Graphic Design students only and by Permission of Instructor only. The objective of this class is to give students a general understanding of letterforms, typeface design and how to draw with Bezier technology. First semester th...
AGRA477 Typographics I B Course open to BFA4 Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. Building on concepts covered in Typographics 1a, this class will introduce students to typographic practices for motion and screens. Through a series of projects, stu...
AGRA478 Type Design History Open to graphic design program BFA4s and MFA2s enrolled in Type Design. This course is an historical survey of the evolution of type design. Encompassing technical, functional, cultural and aesthetic development from cave painting to Keedy Sans. Pa...
AGRA485A Public Projects Series: Banana Public Projects Series: Banana Open to very limited numbers of graphic design program MFA2s and 3s, and BFA3s and 4s, by per-mission of instructor. Knock knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who? Banana's not here. Banana split! Or at least th...
AGRA485G Calarts Collaborates:non-Profit Partners CalArts Collaborates: Design for Non-Profit Partners In this year-long elective, students will partner with a non-profit organization to create a series of projects that address an urgent social or political issue based on a prompt from the organizat...
AGRA490C Critical Conversations In this combined seminar/studio course we will examine urgent critical issues that inform the field of design today, and engage those conversations through visual work. Through weekly readings and discussions, we'll examine the ways in which politics...
AGRA490F Design and Politics This studio/seminar hybrid workshop will take place over seven weeks and will take current geopolitical events as context for discussion of contemporary design's relationship to the major economic-political currents of our time. A curated series of r...
AGRA490J Digital Multi-Platform Workshop This course is an advanced, multi-platform exploration of digital tools. Outcomes are open-ended and projects are designed to reveal and question unspoken assumptions about audience, function and form that are embedded in both conventions of Ui/Ux de...
AGRA490K Redefining the Borders of Graphic Design This course will be dedicated to an investigation of different sources of graphic design knowledge and practice. The focus will be drawn from the interests, research, and inquiries of the instructor. Offering a multiplicity of departure points and pe...
AGRA493 Designing for Spaces Designing for Spaces (EoYS) Course open to BFA 3 and 4 Graphic Design students. Others by permission of instructor only. D300 and D301 galleries (along with The Motion Show in the Bijou). The website, posters, announcements, e-mail blasts, social med...
AGRA496 Motion 1 Open to graphic design program MFA1s, BFA3s, and BFA4s, by permission of instructor. May be open to students in other schools, by permission of instructor. This studio class is comprised of a series of short projects or prompts. Students learn the...
AGRA497 Motion 2 Course priority for Graphic Design BFA3 & 4 students, and may be open to BFA3 & 4 students and in other Schools, by permission of instructor. This course emphasizes the process of making Motion Graphics from storyboards through finished motion piece...
AGRA499 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AGRA501 Graduate Seminar I Lecture Required for MFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-502. Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. The MFA1 year of Graduate Seminar is comprised of a series of structured projects and prompts intended to help stude...
AGRA502 Graduate Seminar I Studio Required for MFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-501. Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. The MFA1 year of Graduate Seminar is comprised of a series of structured projects and prompts intended to help stud...
AGRA503 Graduate Seminar I Lecture Required for MFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-504. Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. The MFA1 year of Graduate Seminar is comprised of a series of structured projects and prompts intended to help stu...
AGRA504 Graduate Seminar I Studio Required for MFA1 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-503. Course open to Graphic Design MFA Program only. The MFA1 year of Graduate Seminar is comprised of a series of structured projects and prompts intended to help student...
AGRA515 Typography I Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. An introduction to the fundamentals of typography. Projects will focus on the understanding of: hierarchy through letter, word, and line spacing; traditional and mode...
AGRA516 Typography II Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. An introduction to the fundamentals of typography. Projects will focus on the understanding of: hierarchy through letter, word, and line spacing; traditional and mode...
AGRA551 Visual Literacy Lecture Required for MFA1 Graphic Design students in the 3-year track and must also register for AGRA-552. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. An introduction to the basic principles,...
AGRA552 Visual Literacy Studio Required for MFA1 Graphic Design students in the 3-year track and must also register for AGRA-551. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. The studio component for AGRA-551. Concep...
AGRA553 Visual Literacy Lecture Required for MFA1 Graphic Design students in the 3-year track and must also register for AGRA-554. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course builds on the fall semester V...
AGRA554 Visual Literacy Studio Required for MFA1 Graphic Design students in the 3-year track and must also register for AGRA-553. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. The studio component for AGRA553. Concep...
AGRA596 Motion 1 Open to graphic design program MFA1s, BFA3s, and BFA4s, by permission of instructor. May be open to students in other schools, by permission of instructor. This studio class is comprised of a series of short projects or prompts. Students learn the...
AGRA599 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AGRA601 Graduate Seminar II Lecture Required for MFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-602. Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. The MFA2 year of Graduate Seminar focuses on defining, researching and producing a graphic design thesis. In the Fa...
AGRA602 Graduate Seminar II Studio Required for MFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-601. Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. The MFA2 year of Graduate Seminar focuses on defining, researching and producing a graphic design thesis. In the Fa...
AGRA603 Graduate Seminar II Lecture Required for MFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-604. Course open to Graphic Design MFA Program only. In the Spring semester, Graduate Seminar provides a formal structure for continuing exploration, investigation, extens...
AGRA604 Graduate Seminar II Studio Required for MFA2 students in Graphic Design, and must also register for AGRA-603. Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. In the Spring semester, Graduate Seminar provides a formal structure for continuing exploration, investigation, ex...
AGRA611 Visiting Designer Workshops This course provides an administrative and credit structure for a series of workshops by visiting graphic designers. The class will convene on around three occasions over the course of the semester for a visiting designer lecture (open to all student...
AGRA615 Typography III Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. An exploration of the connotative and denotative nature of text, through systems of hierarchy and composition.
AGRA621 Imagemaking I Imagemaking I provides a structure for an exploration of basic techniques and processes used to create images. Traditional techniques such as drawing, printmaking and collage are intertwined with photography and digital technology. The course pays...
AGRA622 Imagemaking II Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only. Imagemaking II is an advanced exploration of techniques and processes used to create images. Techniques introduced in Imagemaking I are continued with an emphasis on more advanced approaches and ap...
AGRA630 Beginning Web Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only by permission of instructor. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. The class covers the essential methodologies, processes, conce...
AGRA635 Intro To VR Workshop/ Cinema 4D + Unity This course examines the VR workflow from Cinema 4D to Unity so as to create VR spaces and experiences. In a workshop type environment students will experiment with the new forms of design narratives made for the HTC Vive headset. Focus will be on st...
AGRA636 Advanced Publication Design In this advanced editorial design course students will work on developing a single print publication over the entire semester. The course will cover all aspects of editorial design from conception, content development, design direction, typography an...
AGRA637 Silkscreen Workshop Silkscreen workshop is for incoming MFA 1 students within the Graphic Design program. The workshop is intensive on learning how to approach silkscreening for poster making. We will focus on registration, paper, and ink additives. A mandatory $50 Pri...
AGRA638 GD Program Visiting Designers: The Class Do you love seeing the Graphic Design Program's Visiting Designers but wish you could delve deeper AND get credit for attending the lectures and presentations? This class will achieve that! Each student (or possibly several students) will be assign...
AGRA639 Designing The Design Centre Designing The Design Centre is part one of a two-semester (year-long) course for Graphic Design students who are interested in collectively conceptualizing, developing, and articulating a model for The Design Center at CalArts. The Design Center is p...
AGRA650 Graphic Design Workshop Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only, two year track only. With faculty supervision, students design and produce posters and collateral material for CalArts events, along with theoretical projects that address specific design and producti...
AGRA651 Professional Practice Course open to MFA2 and MFA3 Graphic Design Program students only, or by Permission of Instructor only. From contracts to job negotiation, this course covers essential practical information necessary to contemporary professional practice. The class...
AGRA660 Beginning Motion Graphics Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only by permission of instructor. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course explores basic concepts and methods for creating m...
AGRA665 Animating with Cinema 4D This course is designed for anyone who is new to Cinema 4D and wants to learn how to create 3D stills and animation. The course covers Cinema 4D's interface, working within a 3D environment, modeling using the built in primitive and NURBs objects, ho...
AGRA670 Advanced Coding for the Web This course covers a broad spectrum of coding techniques that will enable students to create contemporary, responsive webpages. While discussions about design and usability are encouraged, the central focus will be on front-end development. Students...
AGRA671 User Experience Design for the Web The course focuses on the visual and functional aspects of user experience design for the web. The projects will be geared towards creating mockups and prototypes. While not worrying about coding, we will deeply explore the project phases necessary t...
AGRA674 Typographics I A Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. Required of MFA1 Graphic Design students. This studio course explores current issues in typographic practice - historic and contemporary typographic practice, as well...
AGRA675 Type Design A Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only and by Permission of Instructor only. The objective of this class is to give students a general understanding of letterforms, typeface design and how to draw with Bezier technology. First semester th...
AGRA676 Type Design B Course open to MFA Graphic Design students only and by Permission of Instructor only. The objective of this class is to give students a general understanding of letterforms, typeface design and how to draw with Bezier technology. First semester the...
AGRA677 Typographics I B Course open to Graphic Design students only, by Permission of Instructor only. Building on concepts covered in Typographics 1a, this class will introduce students to typographic practices for motion and screens. Through a series of projects, students...
AGRA678 Type Design History Open to graphic design program BFA4s and MFA2s enrolled in Type Design. This course is an historical survey of the evolution of type design. Encompassing technical, functional, cultural and aesthetic development from cave painting to Keedy Sans. Pa...
AGRA685 Public Projects Series Open to very limited numbers of graphic design program MFA2s and 3s, and BFA3s and 4s, by permission of instructor. Public Projects are a series of faculty-led course-based projects that recruit students as collaborators in graphic design research, c...
AGRA685A Public Projects Series: Banana Public Projects Series: Banana Open to very limited numbers of graphic design program MFA2s and 3s, and BFA3s and 4s, by per-mission of instructor. Knock knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who? Banana's not here. Banana split! Or at least th...
AGRA685G Calarts Collaborates:non-Profit Partners CalArts Collaborates: Design for Non-Profit Partners In this year-long elective, students will partner with a non-profit organization to create a series of projects that address an urgent social or political issue based on a prompt from the organizat...
AGRA690C Critical Conversations In this combined seminar/studio course we will examine urgent critical issues that inform the field of design today, and engage those conversations through visual work. Through weekly readings and discussions, we'll examine the ways in which politics...
AGRA690F Design and Politics This studio/seminar hybrid workshop will take place over seven weeks and will take current geopolitical events as context for discussion of contemporary design's relationship to the major economic-political currents of our time. A curated series of r...
AGRA690J Digital Multi-Platform Workshop This course is an advanced, multi-platform exploration of digital tools. Outcomes are open-ended and projects are designed to reveal and question unspoken assumptions about audience, function and form that are embedded in both conventions of Ui/Ux de...
AGRA690K Redefining the Borders of Graphic Design This course will be dedicated to an investigation of different sources of graphic design knowledge and practice. The focus will be drawn from the interests, research, and inquiries of the instructor. Offering a multiplicity of departure points and pe...
AGRA693 Designing for Spaces Designing for Spaces (EoYS). Course open to MFA Graphic Design students. Others by permission of instructor only. D300 and D301 galleries (along with The Motion Show in the Bijou). The website, posters, announcements, e-mail blasts, social media, etc...
AGRA697 Motion 2 Course priority for Graphic Design MFA students, and may be open to MFA students and in other Schools, by permission of instructor. This course emphasizes the process of making Motion Graphics from storyboards through finished motion pieces. Realizi...
AGRA699 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AGRA700 MFA Graphic Design Practicum Workshop In this preacticum, students will engage in the production of a project or series of projects. Projects are open-ended but are intended to intersect with both the students' interests and/or ongoing coursework. Attendence at all sessions is required.
AGRA799 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
AHMN300 Image Archives in Practice This course receives credit under Topics in Photo History. Open to Art School BFA 3 and above. This course will be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. When artists, or photographers approach an...
AHMN456 Aesthetic Dimension We will explore the question of what art does (and how does it) as it is put forth by Herbert Marcuse in The Aesthetic Dimension. In addition to closely reading and discussing Marcuse's ideas we may examine a range of work by artists, writers and ph...
AHMN600 Image Archives in Practice Open to Art School MFA. This course will be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. When artists, or photographers approach an archive, we are concerned with two activites: working with existing arc...
AHMN656 Aesthetic Dimension We will explore the question of what art does (and how does it) as it is put forth by Herbert Marcuse in The Aesthetic Dimension. In addition to closely reading and discussing Marcuse's ideas we may examine a range of work by artists, writers and ph...
APHM002 Black & White Open to Photography and Media Program BFA 1 and 2. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to...
APHM003 Color Printing (Analog) This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. This workshop provides an introduction to analog color photography, covering film exposure and printing. Attendance at all sessions is required. Limited to 14 students.
APHM005 Basic Lighting Course open to Photo/Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide t...
APHM006 Mural Printing This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA Students. This practicum is designed to introduce photography and media students to large-scale printing. Both color and black and white will be covered, with an emphasis this year on black and...
APHM007 HD Video Post Prod. & Sound Open to the Photography and Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to pr...
APHM008 Advance Lighting & Portraiture Open to the Photography and Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to pr...
APHM009 Lightroom/Photoshop Lightroom/Photoshop: Digital Work Flows Open to the Photography and Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-...
APHM011 Scanning & Photoshop Open to the Art School only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and...
APHM012 Multimedia Web Open to the Photography and Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to pr...
APHM013 Intro to Medium Format & Studio Lighting This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School Photography and Media BFA students. This practicum is designed to introduce photography and media students to shooting with medium format cameras and film, along with studio lighting techniques tha...
APHM018 Alternative Process Course open to Art School only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill...
APHM020 Artist Run Spaces This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA Students. Artist-run spaces are one of the most important forms of art institution, allowing artists to shape our art worlds, establish their own artistic discourse and criteria, without having...
APHM021 Color Negative Darkroom Printing This workshop provides an introduction to traditional chemical analog color photography work. Covering negative film exposure and darkroom printing. The class uses the the color darkroom facilities in the Photography Lab and the 50 inch color paper...
APHM022 Exhibition Production This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA 4 students. This workshop focuses on exhibition-making as a form, approaching the planning of an exhibition with the understanding that exhibitions have their own languages, forms, meanings and...
APHM028 DIY Books This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Attendance at all sessions is required. Making books is an important and powerful way to make one's artwork live in the world. Innovative artists use books to create their own spaces...
APHM029 Performance and the Camera This practicum workshop is open to the Institute. Performing Stories: Camera, Audience, and the Real In a time where the boundaries between the "lights, camera, action" side of performance and the "filter, tag, post" side of performance dissolve even...
APHM031 Digital Bookmaking/InDesign The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM034 DSLR Video & Basics of Post-Production DSLR Video & Basics of Post-production. This workshop introduces students to the fundamentals of DSLR video production, camera operation, lighting, and sound recording. Post-production (editing, sound design and playback) will be a large portion of t...
APHM035 Albumen Printing This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Workshop meets on January 11, 12, 14, 15, and 19 from 6-8:50 p.m. in the Photo Lab. Attendance at all sessions is required. There is a $70 materials fee for this workshop. In the a...
APHM036 Digital Production with DSLR Cameras This workshop is an introduction to digital production with DSLR cameras, covering both still image acquisitions and basics of video and sound capture. Workshop topics will include camera controls, shooting modes, file formats and compression, advanc...
APHM037 Lighting Lab I The goal of Lighting Lab is help students to choose light sources based upon their creative needs, considering how the technical side of photography is also creative, whether in a fine art context or in other professional settings. It introduces stud...
APHM038 Digital Capture With DSLRs Digital Capture: Moving and Still Image with DSLRs This workshop is an introduction to digital production with DSLR cameras, covering both still image acquisition and basics of video and sound capture. Workshop topics will include camera controls, s...
APHM039 Digital Workflow: Photoshop & Lightroom This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA Students in the Photo and Media Program. This class focuses on the pathways our digital images take between the camera and their printing or digital presentation. This includes the processing of...
APHM040 Digital Photography's Game-Changer Digital Photography's Game-Changer - High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photographic Technique: Advanced workshop teaching the HDR system for students with a solid grasp of digital photography. Here we will explore how High Dynamic Range extends the boundari...
APHM041 Bookbinding Workshop This workshop will focus on the manual elements of book binding. Students will be able to utilize the CalArts print lab and the resources it has to offer. Students can expect to learn how to fold and sew signatures of a book, saddle stitch with stapl...
APHM042 Who Turned Out the Lights? Using a hybrid of high and low tech approaches we will focus on the base material of photography: light. That which gives shape and is shaped, both signal and signifier. This workshop will focus on practical solutions and alternative implementations...
APHM043 Domestic Adventures in Alt Processes Using alternative processes that require minimal equipment, students will create photographs at home. We'll use the sun, light sensitive materials, and our creativity to make experimental images. IMPORTANT: A reimbursable materials kit will be requir...
APHM044 Visual Diary We will look at how cell phones (iPhone / Android) have become visual diaries for artists and the importance of archiving properly. Students will learn how to prepare raw files, using photoshop, for low-cost online printing.
APHM045 Digital Setups and Methods This course will walk through crucial steps of establishing a professional digital workflow for photographers and artists. We will use Capture One to work on digital darkroom techniques such as image adjustments, processing, export recipes and file m...
APHM046 Physical and Virtual Exhibition Design This workshop will approach exhibition design from the perspective of the post-COVID art world. We will look at the various ways exhibitions are designed for both museums and galleries as well as in the virtual spaces that pre-existed COVID but have...
APHM047 Analog Lab Practices Technical Workshop Analog Lab Practices explores fundamentals of photographic practices for Undergraduate Photography and Media students to increase basic and intermediate skills through the use of the Photography Lab. This workshop will overview diverse student inter...
APHM048 Digital Lab: An Introduction Workshop Digital Lab provides an introduction to navigating the various digital-photographic imaging pathways in the Photography Lab. Topics will include orienting students to the digital production capabilities of the lab's digital facilities, using and defi...
APHM049 Color, Black and White Printing This course will allow students to work on their projects and the use of the lab. Student can develop black & white film and print both Black and white and color analogue prints.
APHM050 Self As Subject In this workshop, students will produce a cohesive series of photographs on the theme of self-as-subject. Student projects may include self portraits (What counts as a portrait? What constitutes the self?) as well as loose or alternative interpretati...
APHM051 Folklore,miracles, Site-Specific Spirits In this workshop, we'll be working as a type of haunt hunter. We'll first identify the spirits that haunt our everyday, examining the multitude of histories and site-specific spirits that dictate the institutions we join, the spaces in which we live....
APHM052 The Disjunctive Image With the status of the image destabilized and a glut of images at our fingertips, disjunctive images made within and without a camera have become part of the language of contemporary photography. This workshop begins with an overview of various strat...
APHM053 Working From the Concept of "the Meadow" Taisha Paggett, instructor Auto-archiving and new meadows of togetherness Working from the concept of "the meadow" - a speculative geography of possibility- and "solitary togetherness," this workshop utilizes somatic and contemplative practices, map...
APHM054 Serial Photography / Structuralist Film Serial Photography / Structuralist Film Static Images, notably those that document the passage of time, are the foundation of cinematic art. Students will make serial photographs and short structuralist films using their magic phones.
APHM055 Write Your Stakes How does one, how does an artist script a self? We will know ourselves and know what we think when we find the words. This workshop will serve as a testing ground for each of us to try out modes, voices, rhythms, structures, and approaches that enabl...
APHM056 Fashion,fine Art,& Everything Inbetween This course combines lectures, discussions, lighting workshops, and other technical demonstrations to give students hands-on experience creating portraits in-studio and on-location. We will talk about photography as both a commercial practice and art...
APHM057 Alternative Photo Processes: Cyanotype This course will focus on the experimenting and investigating the photographic process of cyanotype. Students will be introduced to making images in this slow to react and inexpensive process in which photo sensitive materials react uniquely to ultr...
APHM058 Not Obvious Self Portraiture This course combines lighting workshops, lectures, discussions, and critiques to help students develop a conceptually driven project that expands the definition of self-portraiture within an artistic practice. In addition to traditional portraiture,...
APHM059 Photo Bookmaking In this workshop, students will design and produce a photo book. The class will briefly cover the history of the artist book, contemporary trends in book design, and the tradition of the photo book. With the aid of readings, discussion, and workshops...
APHM060 Nothing Leaves the Studio w/o a Photo Through a balanced blend of formal techniques, emphasizing studio lighting, composition, and color theory, students will learn to capture their artworks and exhibitions with precision and panache. The course also covers gonzo iPhone photography and c...
APHM061 Making a Zine DIY & InDesign This class invites artists to create their work through a more experimental approach. This workshop will instruct the basics of creating and publishing your zine. We will consider zine history, inspiration and process. We will start with handmade zin...
APHM062 Nuts & Bolts This course will cover hanging and installation ideas and solutions, including lighting, environmental presentation options in the CalArts' galleries. We will think about the best practices to practically and aesthetically install artwork holding in...
APHM063 Record, Edit, and Mix Sound This is a half semester introductory course, in which students will engage in and learn basic skills to introduce sound elements to their projects. Discussions, lectures, and in class exercises will revolve around topics such as: basic sound design p...
APHM100A View Camera This workshop provides an introduction to the 4 x 5 with large format film and an emphasis on exposure and development.
APHM100B Digital Lab: An Introduction Workshop Digital Lab provides an introduction to navigating the various digital-photographic imaging pathways in the Photography Lab. Topics will include orienting students to the digital production capabilities of the lab's digital facilities, using and defi...
APHM100C Basic Lighting Course open to Photo/Media Program only. This workshop introduces students to basic lighting methods, including how to work with different types of lights, balancing between their qualities, color temperature and basic lighting set-ups.
APHM101 Foundation Seminar & Critique Course open to BFA1 Photo/Media students only. Two-semester course for all first year photography and media students. An intensive introduction to the arts of photography and media. Basic technical and aesthetic introduction leads to groundwork for...
APHM102 Foundation Seminar & Critique Course open to BFA 1 Photo/Media students only. Two-semester course for all first year photography and media students. An intensive introduction to the arts of photography and media. Basic technical and aesthetic introduction leads to groundwork fo...
APHM103 New Lab New Lab is a semester long technical course for all BFA-1 and BFA-2 transfer students in the Photography and Media Program. The intent of this class is to orient incoming students to the Photography Lab and its production possibilities as a critical...
APHM105 Analog in the New Lab Analog in the New Lab: Course open to BFA1 Photo/Media students only. New Lab is a semester-long class for all BFA-1 and BFA-2 transfer students in the Photography and Media Program. It is a course that provides the critical base for making work in t...
APHM110A Beginning Analog Photography B&w, Film This course will focus on the fundamentals of analog photography. Students will learn the proper function of a 35mm camera and the correct use of light meters, apertures, shutter speeds, and lenses. Students will learn to develop their own black & wh...
APHM110B Advanced Analog In this course, students will be introduced to the unique capabilities of large format analog photography. Students will become proficient in using both 4x5 view cameras. After producing the high resolution, carefully composed negatives typical of la...
APHM110C Video and Sound I This course offers students a foundation in video and sound recording, and an exploration of video art in the contemporary art world. We will focus on post production including sound design and color correction, and briefly touch on installation prep...
APHM110D Video and Sound II This course offers students a continued exploration of video and sound production in a contemporary art context. Students will continue to work with Adobe PremierePro and ProTools, as well as learn how to create and present video installations with v...
APHM110E Building a Book "Building a Book" will explore how meaning is built through form and structure of the photo book. We will approach the book medium through a historic and contemporary lens while examining artists who use the medium. This class will include conversati...
APHM110G Sound Off This advanced digital media course explores the continuum between sound and silence in digital time-based work. Through screenings, listening sessions, readings and guest artist visits, we will think through artists' strategic implementations of sile...
APHM110H Think Big Think Big is a semester-long course that provides students with large-scale analog printing using traditional darkroom techniques. It is designed to expand students' knowledge and skills in analog photographic printing. The goal of this course is to...
APHM110J Beginning Sound and Video Beginning Sound and Video is a semester-long technical course for all BFA-1, BFA-2, and transfer students in the Photography and Media Program. The intent of this class is to introduce students to the fundamentals of audio and video production, inclu...
APHM199 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
APHM201 UG Seminar Course open to BFA1 or BFA2 Photo/Media students only. A required class for all BFA2 and transfer Photography and Media students. The class covers conceptual, historical, and theoretical topics surrounding photography and media, with an emphasis on...
APHM299 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
APHM303 Color Lab: Darkroom to Digital Course open to Photo/Media Program only, by Permission of Instructor only. Not open to BFA1 students. Color Lab is a semester-long course that provides students with a basic background in the history, theory, and materials of color photography. Emph...
APHM304 Advanced Digital Color Advanced Digital Color is designed for students looking to enhance and expand their knowledge and skills in digital photography, digital imaging using Photoshop, and digital photographic printing. The goal of this course is to understand digital ima...
APHM305 Undergraduate Critique Open to BFA2, BFA3, and BFA4 Photo/Media students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course presents weekly group discussion and analysis of student work. Each stude...
APHM311L Intersection of Art and Architecture Students will choose a site on campus to design and build (using mostly cast off construction materials) a temporary structure/installation. After reviewing and discussing the student design proposals we will collectively decide on the basic concept...
APHM315 Grad Critique Course open to Art School only, by Permission of Instructor only. Group discussion and analysis of each student's work, with critique conducted by the instructor, visiting artists, and faculty from the School of Art. Students are expected to present...
APHM317 Digital Bucket Crit All BFA 2, BFA 3 and BFA 4 students will be required to present their work to the entire faculty in an online format. The presentation will be exactly 5 mintues each. This is a rare opportunity to engage with the BFA student body and faculty. You wil...
APHM325A Grad Seminar: Apeshit in the Louvre Apeshit in the Louvre is a graduate-level reading seminar that looks at theories and histories of exhibitions, museums and galleries, thinking specifically about the agency or power of the artist within them. Starting with ways that artists have inco...
APHM325D Grad Seminar: Show and Tell Open to BFA students by Permission of Instructor only. Since the inception of photography, exhibition spaces have played an important role for the medium. Photographic exhibitions initially were used to present technical accomplishments and changing...
APHM325F Graduate Seminar Graduate Seminar: Contemporary Topics in Photography and Media This reading and discussion seminar will offer a survey of current discussions within the field of photo- and media-based practices. Considering the shifting roles of our mediums within...
APHM325G Grad Sem: Origins, Copies & Strange... Origins, Copies and Strange Creations This seminar will survey broad-based ideas about originality, narratives of origin, artistic genius, authorship, photographic reproduction of art and reality, natural history, religious and cultish narratives of...
APHM325H Grad Seminar: Talk, Talk, Talk This graduate seminar takes as its subject matter the art of the interview and the interview of the artist. Interviews are both a tool of artists in contextualizing their work and can be the artwork itself. By their nature, they are the realm of di...
APHM325J Film on Photo / Vice Versa Film on Photography, Photography on Film / Etic and Emic perception This is a graduate seminar. We will be looking at several films and art works that position either film or photography as a central critical and cultural agent in contemporary conve...
APHM325K Graduate Seminar: Histories and Presents This reading and discussion seminar will offer a survey of critical inquiries within the field of photography and media-based practices. Considering the shifting roles of our mediums within our current political and cultural landscape, we will start...
APHM325L Graduate Seminar: Heroic Distortions Grad Seminar: Visual Arts Narrative:Heroic Distortions This seminar will examine the characteristics of heroes in classic narratives through close textual analysis of literature,films and comic books. From Hamlet to John Wayne to Black Panther, the...
APHM325M Graduate Seminar: Participant Observer This is a survey course on photography, film and video works that are linked to historical and contemporary trends in Art, Visual Anthropology, Ethnography, and works of social, political and personal description. Often aggressive in nature, deeply...
APHM330 Artist As Writer Open to Art School BFA 2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. ARTIST AS WRITER explores the usage of the written word to promote ideas, describe concepts, illuminate...
APHM331 LA Urbanscape Course not open to BFA1 students. Section 1 open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other...
APHM335 Moving Pictures League Open to Art School BFA 2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course is dedicated to the making of moving pictures: projects whose defining characteristic is that...
APHM337 Artists Map: Prisons, Systems, Structure Despite renewed calls for abolition and criticism of "mass incarceration," the USA continues to have the largest prison and jail population in modern history globally. With a cultural imagination that is littered with images of imprisonment, criminal...
APHM338 Video in Space Open to Art School BFA 2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This class will deal with the exhibition of the moving image in space. Structured as an open crit class,...
APHM341 Freeway Joyride Open to Art School BFA 2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Freeway Joyride: 21st Century Lane-Change will explore the intricacies of interconnected communities via...
APHM342 Public Persona/Public Spaces Open to Art School only. This course will be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Public Persona/Public Spaces will require students to utilize existing public spaces in Los Angeles, San Fernando...
APHM343 Network Culture Open to students in the Art School only. Network Culture The course will examine, analyze, and interpret aspects of individual/group focused attention, mass distraction, the creation/dissemination of concepts/words/products, exponential growth of b...
APHM344 The Photographic Book Open to students in the Art School only. This course receives credit under Topics in Photo History. A stronly revisionist way to approach the history of photography is to bring photographic bookmaking into a center stage. Books are vehicles for compl...
APHM345 Sound and Vision Sound and Vision: Documenting the Central Valley This documentary class has a focus on California's Central Valley, culminating in a trip to the area around Bakersfield and a collaborative project involving sound and pictures. Focusing on documentar...
APHM346 The Housing Question The recent development in Boyle Heights has provoked heated debates, a series of actions and a large number of public statements and news coverage on the role of art institutions as a generator of gentrification. The positions in the debates went fro...
APHM346A The Housing Question The recent development in Boyle Heights has provoked heated debates, a series of actions and a large number of public statements and news coverage on the role of art institutions as a generator of gentrification. The positions in the debates went fro...
APHM346B The Housing Question The recent development in Boyle Heights has provoked heated debates, a series of actions and a large number of public statements and news coverage on the role of art institutions as a generator of gentrification. The positions in the debates went fro...
APHM349 Photo History in the Field Advanced Topics in Photo History: Photo History in the Field This class is centered on an engagement with the photography archive of the Tejon Indian Tribe of Southern California. Taking our photo history and archive conversations out into the field,...
APHM350 Advanced Topics in Photo Media Advanced Topics in Photography & Media is a category of courses which address the expansive field of photographic and media practice. Topics or themes are developed yearly by the faculty to engage historical, theoretical and contemporary issues that...
APHM351 Post-Production in the Field This class investigates the possibilities available to artists in Los Angeles using service providers. From printers and framers, to photo-mural installers, to fabricators, foundries, wall-text specialists, and many more, there is a whole industry t...
APHM352 TALKING in the field This upper level seminar class combines a focus on interviews with a wider picture of what life in the art world entails. The class will feature discussions with international curators, gallery directors, artists, filmmakers, architects, etc. We wil...
APHM353 Photo Media VAL Forum Students are expected to attend the weekly lectures. Each student will present an overview of series in the form of a paper at the end of the semester. The Visiitng Artist's Lecture Series engages all critically and creatively to explores different m...
APHM354 Changing Time/Zones The course specifically welcomes students to the photography and media program that are not able to join the campus classes in person, have to access the classes from a remote place, or are new to the program. Even though everybody is welcome, a prio...
APHM399 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
APHM400B Queer Critque Potluck Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Critique - Critique courses within the Photography and Media program center around critique of student wo...
APHM400C Photo Forms, Off the Wall Critique This will be a critique-based course, open to any photography project that takes the form of 'zine, artist book, album, portfolio, poster, etc, where we will look at material forms that photography takes prior to, alongside, and/or in opposition to t...
APHM400D Moving Between Figurative/Literal Worlds What does it mean to exist between, with the understanding that something is about to be. This course will explore cultural, societal and political spaces of shifting. We will look at contemporary artists, with a focus on lens based practices, situ...
APHM400E Change Everything, Thematic Critique When scholar-activist Ruth Wilson Gilmore defines abolition, she says "Abolition requires us to change one thing, which is everything." This course will be a laboratory for projects of any medium that are interested in some form of social-political c...
APHM415 Critique and Exit Open to Photography and Media BFA4 only. This class is required of BFA4 students and is an intensive seminar.
APHM420A Race and Representation Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Theory and Contemporary Issues - Theory and Contemporary Issues courses in the Photography and Media prog...
APHM420J Envisioning Urban Commons Looking at the current debates and struggles over space, including the role of public and private resources and investment and notions of "the commons" within them (commonly held land, resources, goods, shared and not privatized), this seminar propos...
APHM420K Joy and Leisure The experiences of those from subjugated populations are as dynamic and richly layered as any other group, however the representations and narratives ascribed to these communities are oftentimes rooted only in suffering. While pain and struggle are c...
APHM420L Abolition + Spaces of Dissent "We are the Ones We are Waiting For: Abolition and Spaces of Dissent" is an open form class where we will explore contemporary abolitionist discourse, pandemic and activist media landscapes, and momentary spaces for celebration, daydreaming and disse...
APHM420M Performative Arrangement This class will look at the photography as a record of perpetual performance and/or arrangement of the body. Specifically, we will explore works that are meant to exist, and/or continue to exist as an image, a referent to the action which is no longe...
APHM420N Quasi-Objects (the Ambassador) This course will be devoted to the establishment of an interpretive paradigm (the concept of quasi-objects), and the analysis of a historical moment (3400 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, 1920-present). The "theory of the quasi-object" is introduced...
APHM420P Politics of Portraiture Everyone wants to be seen but not everyone wants to be photographed. This is a class that aims to investigate that paradox. What are the politics of Seeing and what are the politics of being seen? What exactly is a portrait. Is it a conversation, a c...
APHM420Q The Body, the Lens and the Law How have artists activated their own bodies and the bodies of others to examine the human condition and society at large? This class explore the ways in which artists use the human body to explore questions of labor, identify, sexuality, etc. through...
APHM420R Form & Funding While much is made of artistic freedom, the forms into which our efforts flow (sculpture, pictures, performance.) and the containers through which those forms can circulate legibly as artworks (museums, markets, the media.) are rather well-defined. I...
APHM420S Visibility & Authority: AAPI Images Visibility & Authority: Images of Asian America is a seminar that examines the politics of portraiture by focusing on the relationship between still and moving images, and constructions of Asian identity in America. Taking an intersectional and inter...
APHM420T Through an Indigenous Lens In effort to examine and rebuild relationship with the Land, this course will examine personal, social, and institutional relationships to home, site and land and how they intersect in the work of Indigenous makers. It will address our understanding...
APHM440 Practice Series Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students' practices. While each course under this category may offer a particular theme or subject matter, its primary organization and outcome...
APHM440A Narrative: Heroic Distortions Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape...
APHM440B Fuzzy Pictures This course receives credit under Topics in Photo History. Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Me...
APHM440C Foto and Film Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape o...
APHM440D Gendered Geographies Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape o...
APHM440E 10 Minutes Or Less Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape o...
APHM440F Landscape: The Wilderness Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape o...
APHM440G Landscape: The Garden Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape o...
APHM440H Participant Observer This course receives credit under Topics in Photo History. Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Me...
APHM440K Photo Idea: Exhibition Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students' practices. While each course under this category may offer a particular theme or subject matter, its primary organization and outcome...
APHM440L Photo Idea: Critique/R&D Lab Work This course is open to Art School BFA2 and above. Also open to students in other schools by permission of instructor. Photo Idea: Critique / R&D is a pre-studio production-based photography project and development course. The goals of this class are...
APHM440S Subject & Image: Portrait Lab Open to Art School BFA 3 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Examination of the pictorial and socially interactive basis of portraiture. Includes comparisons with p...
APHM440V Image and Text Open to Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This studio course will examine formal and conceptual strategies for combining image and text. In order...
APHM440W It's a Family Affair Open to the Art School BFA2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Drawing upon the myths & experiences of family in Western society, this class will take up represent...
APHM440X Representation of Labor & Work Open to Art School BFA 2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Representation of Labor and Work (Reading Group) The starting point of this course was a critique in...
APHM441C Film and Foto Workshop FILM AND FOTO WORKSHOP Open to BFA 3 and above, MFA candidates. This course may be open to students in other Schools or by Permission of Instructor. FILM AND FOTO WORKSHOP is a short course with the main focus being on questions arising in the use...
APHM441I The Self and Others The Self and Others The notion of intimacy, the use of the body, and the exploration of the self through various creative contexts has always been a point of return in contemporary art practices. In this class, we focus on the toughest type of obser...
APHM441K Broken Windows Broken Windows is an observation of contemporary shifts, regressions and transformations in photographic representation at this moment. Concerns over technological change and ubiquity in photography has aided in a perspectival transition from more co...
APHM441M Photgenic: Performance-for-Camera Photogenic: Performance-for Camera is a course for those interested in exploring liveness, esoteric, narrative dimensions of their work. Throughout the course we'll look at examples of iconic performance documentation, and also look at other sources...
APHM441N Who Is This America? This course receives credit under Topics in Photo History. In a time of a resurgent nationalism throughout Western countries, rooted in expressions of racial and ethnic exclusion, this will be a laboratory for projects that take up questions of natio...
APHM441O Photography, Subject and Studio Over the semester students will develop a photo-based project rooted in 1) portraiture and 2) the studio. We will use the dynamics of portraiture to explore the photographer's studio as a site of social, political, aesthetic and material exchange. Th...
APHM441P Make Your Own Book Practice: Photographic Book - Make Your Own Book Books are vehicles for complex structures of sustained photographic meaning. In this sense, books can provide an antidote to a fragmentary, inattentive and fashion-driven photographic culture. We will...
APHM441Q Subject This course is centered around each student's development of a photo-based project on the topic of the "subject in portraiture" or "representation of the body." No pre-concieved project is required at the beginning of the semester, and we will work a...
APHM441R Finders & Keepers: Collecting "To collect photographs is to collect the world." states Susan Sontag, in her seminal essay On Photography. As photographers catalog, collect, appropriate the image from the continuous stream of daily life, they turn the things photographed into ot...
APHM441S From Silence Into Action: Artist Writing "[A]nd what I most regretted were my silences," writes Audre Lorde in the essay from which this course borrows its title. Asking what is at stake in our writing, she continues, "[o]f what had I ever been afraid?" Whether we write as ourselves or in a...
APHM441T Object, Place, Memory Using the camera as a tool for excavation, we will explore our unique perspectives, memories and experiences in order to situate ourselves in the image making process and the world. Specifically working to explore our relationship to objects, we will...
APHM441U Body, Space, and the Anti-Document Considering the relationship of the camera and documentation to live and body-based art, this course presents a critical survey of contemporary sculpture, installation, and performance as understood through its written, photographic, video, and/or au...
APHM441V In the Light This class will look at light as a concept, and explore its intimate involvement with the photographic medium. We will work through ideas of light and darkness, in their framing culturally, socially, historically, theoretically, and within the produc...
APHM441W Experimental Documentary Through readings, screenings and discussion we will explore artists' strategies for engaging truth claims in video. We will look closely at ways experimental documentaries use speculative fiction, embodied practices, gossip, and journalistic techniqu...
APHM441X IDEA Course - Street Engagements STREET ENGAGEMENTS will introduce ideas related to injecting the subject of social, environmental, economic, cultural, and visual justice. The subject of personal and social activism will be discussed and referenced to particular historic points of i...
APHM441Y Private matters, Public Spaces This performance-based class takes on the task of creating and documenting performances that bring private experiences into the public gaze and discourse. Together we survey different tactics available to index ephemeral gestures, bodily experiences,...
APHM497 BFA 4 Independent Studio This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School BFA students. Students will work on independent projects in their studios with the goal of realizing their mid-residency and final exhibitions. Productive conversations with peers and faculty will c...
APHM499 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
APHM500A View Camera This workshop provides an introduction to the 4 x 5 with large format film and an emphasis on exposure and development.
APHM500B Digital Lab: An Introduction Workshop Digital Lab provides an introduction to navigating the various digital-photographic imaging pathways in the Photography Lab. Topics will include orienting students to the digital production capabilities of the lab's digital facilities, using and defi...
APHM500C Basic Lighting Course open to Photo/Media Program only. This workshop introduces students to basic lighting methods, including how to work with different types of lights, balancing between their qualities, color temperature and basic lighting set-ups.
APHM503 Color Lab: Darkroom to Digital Course open to Photo/Media Program only. Color Lab is a semester-long course that provides students with a basic background in the history, theory, and materials of color photography. Emphasis is placed on navigating the transitions between traditio...
APHM504 Advanced Digital Color Advanced Digital Color is designed for students looking to enhance and expand their knowledge and skills in digital photography, digital imaging using Photoshop, and digital photographic printing. The goal of this course is to understand digital ima...
APHM515 Grad Critique Open to Photography and Media MFA students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Group discussion and analysis of each student's work, with critique conducted by the instruc...
APHM517 MFA1 Bucket Crit MFA 1 students will be visited by the entire regular faculty and FT vistiting faculty for a studio visit at the end of their first term. The visit will be devoted to dialogue around their first semester and the art work they have made. Students are e...
APHM520T Through an Indigenous Lens In effort to examine and rebuild relationship with the Land, this course will examine personal, social, and institutional relationships to home, site and land and how they intersect in the work of Indigenous makers. It will address our understanding...
APHM525A Grad Seminar: Apeshit in the Louvre Apeshit in the Louvre is a graduate-level reading seminar that looks at theories and histories of exhibitions, museums and galleries, thinking specifically about the agency or power of the artist within them. Starting with ways that artists have inco...
APHM525D Grad Seminar: Show and Tell Open to students in the Art School only. Since the inception of photography, exhibition spaces have played an important role for the medium. Photographic exhibitions initially were used to present technical accomplishments and changing parameters of...
APHM525E Grad Seminar: Photography Theories 2016 Open to students in the Art School only. Using two recent texts; 24/7 by Jonathan Crary and The Art of Cruelty by Maggie Nelson to ground us in te present moment, Concentrating primarily on texts recently published, the seminar shall collectively re...
APHM525F Graduate Seminar Graduate Seminar: Contemporary Topics in Photography and Media This reading and discussion seminar will offer a survey of current discussions within the field of photo- and media-based practices. Considering the shifting roles of our mediums within...
APHM525G Grad Sem: Origins, Copies & Strange... Origins, Copies and Strange Creations This seminar will survey broad-based ideas about originality, narratives of origin, artistic genius, authorship, photographic reproduction of art and reality, natural history, religious and cultish narratives of...
APHM525H Grad Seminar: Talk, Talk, Talk This graduate seminar takes as its subject matter the art of the interview and the interview of the artist. Interviews are both a tool of artists in contextualizing their work and can be the artwork itself. By their nature, they are the realm of di...
APHM525J Film on Photo / Vice Versa Film on Photography, Photography on Film / Etic and Emic perception This is a graduate seminar. We will be looking at several films and art works that position either film or photography as a central critical and cultural agent in contemporary conve...
APHM525K Graduate Seminar: Histories and Presents This reading and discussion seminar will offer a survey of critical inquiries within the field of photography and media-based practices. Considering the shifting roles of our mediums within our current political and cultural landscape, we will start...
APHM525L Graduate Seminar: Heroic Distortions Grad Seminar: Visual Arts Narrative:Heroic Distortions This seminar will examine the characteristics of heroes in classic narratives through close textual analysis of literature,films and comic books. From Hamlet to John Wayne to Black Panther, the...
APHM525M Graduate Seminar: Participant Observer This is a survey course on photography, film and video works that are linked to historical and contemporary trends in Art, Visual Anthropology, Ethnography, and works of social, political and personal description. Often aggressive in nature, deeply...
APHM530 Artist As Writer Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. ARTIST AS WRITER explores the usage of the written word to promote ideas, describe concepts, illuminate issues, and...
APHM531 LA Urbanscape Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. LA Urbanscape: Image, Words & Acts. This course will explore the interrelation between various social, cultural, e...
APHM535 Moving Pictures League Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This course is dedicated to the making of moving pictures: projects whose defining characteristic is that they m...
APHM537 Artists Map: Prisons, Systems, Structure Despite renewed calls for abolition and criticism of "mass incarceration," the USA continues to have the largest prison and jail population in modern history globally. With a cultural imagination that is littered with images of imprisonment, criminal...
APHM538 Video in Space Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This class will deal with the exhibition of the moving image in space. Structured as an open crit class, this c...
APHM541 Freeway Joyride Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Freeway Joyride: 21st Century Lane-Change will explore the intricacies of interconnected communities via the So...
APHM542 Public Persona/Public Spaces Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Public Persona/Public Spaces will require students to utilize existing public spaces in Los Angeles, San Fernan...
APHM543 Network Culture Open to students in the Art School only. Network Culture The course will examine, analyze, and interpret aspects of individual/group focused attention, mass distraction, the creation/dissemination of concepts/words/products, exponential growth of b...
APHM544 The Photographic Book Open to students in the Art School only. A stronly revisionist way to approach the history of photography is to bring photographic bookmaking into a center stage. Books are vehicles for complex structures of sustained photographic meaning. In this s...
APHM545 Sound and Vision Sound and Vision: Documenting the Central Valley This documentary class has a focus on California's Central Valley, culminating in a trip to the area around Bakersfield and a collaborative project involving sound and pictures. Focusing on documentar...
APHM546 The Housing Question The recent development in Boyle Heights has provoked heated debates, a series of actions and a large number of public statements and news coverage on the role of art institutions as a generator of gentrification. The positions in the debates went fro...
APHM546A The Housing Question The recent development in Boyle Heights has provoked heated debates, a series of actions and a large number of public statements and news coverage on the role of art institutions as a generator of gentrification. The positions in the debates went fro...
APHM546B The Housing Question The recent development in Boyle Heights has provoked heated debates, a series of actions and a large number of public statements and news coverage on the role of art institutions as a generator of gentrification. The positions in the debates went fro...
APHM549 Photo History in the Field Advanced Topics in Photo History: Photo History in the Field This class is centered on an engagement with the photography archive of the Tejon Indian Tribe of Southern California. Taking our photo history and archive conversations out into the field,...
APHM551 Post-Production in the Field This class investigates the possibilities available to artists in Los Angeles using service providers. From printers and framers, to photo-mural installers, to fabricators, foundries, wall-text specialists, and many more, there is a whole industry t...
APHM552 TALKING in the field This upper level seminar class combines a focus on interviews with a wider picture of what life in the art world entails. The class will feature discussions with international curators, gallery directors, artists, filmmakers, architects, etc. We wil...
APHM553 Photo Media VAL Forum Students are expected to attend the weekly lectures. Each student will present an overview of series in the form of a paper at the end of the semester. The Visiitng Artist's Lecture Series engages all critically and creatively to explores different m...
APHM554 Changing Time/Zones The course specifically welcomes students to the photography and media program that are not able to join the campus classes in person, have to access the classes from a remote place, or are new to the program. Even though everybody is welcome, a prio...
APHM599 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
APHM600 Critique Series Critique - Critique courses within the Photography and Media program center around critique of student work, to offer students critical reception to their projects, while cultivating tools for critical dialogue among the class at large, including voc...
APHM600B Queer Critque Potluck Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Critique - Critique courses within the Photography and Media program center around critique of student work, to off...
APHM600C Photo Forms, Off the Wall Critique This will be a critique-based course, open to any photography project that takes the form of 'zine, artist book, album, portfolio, poster, etc, where we will look at material forms that photography takes prior to, alongside, and/or in opposition to t...
APHM600D Moving Between Figurative/Literal Worlds What does it mean to exist between, with the understanding that something is about to be. This course will explore cultural, societal and political spaces of shifting. We will look at contemporary artists, with a focus on lens based practices, situ...
APHM600E Change Everything, Thematic Critique When scholar-activist Ruth Wilson Gilmore defines abolition, she says "Abolition requires us to change one thing, which is everything." This course will be a laboratory for projects of any medium that are interested in some form of social-political c...
APHM610A Beginning Analog Photography B&w, Film This course will focus on the fundamentals of analog photography. Students will learn the proper function of a 35mm camera and the correct use of light meters, apertures, shutter speeds, and lenses. Students will learn to develop their own black & wh...
APHM610B Advanced Analog In this course, students will be introduced to the unique capabilities of large format analog photography. Students will become proficient in using both 4x5 view cameras. After producing the high resolution, carefully composed negatives typical of la...
APHM610C Video and Sound I This course offers students a foundation in video and sound recording, and an exploration of video art in the contemporary art world. We will focus on post production including sound design and color correction, and briefly touch on installation prep...
APHM610D Video and Sound II This course offers students a continued exploration of video and sound production in a contemporary art context. Students will continue to work with Adobe PremierePro and ProTools, as well as learn how to create and present video installations with v...
APHM610E Building a Book "Building a Book" will explore how meaning is built through form and structure of the photo book. We will approach the book medium through a historic and contemporary lens while examining artists who use the medium. This class will include conversati...
APHM610G Sound Off This advanced digital media course explores the continuum between sound and silence in digital time-based work. Through screenings, listening sessions, readings and guest artist visits, we will think through artists' strategic implementations of sile...
APHM610H Think Big Think Big is a semester-long course that provides students with large-scale analog printing using traditional darkroom techniques. It is designed to expand students' knowledge and skills in analog photographic printing. The goal of this course is to...
APHM620A Race and Representation Theory and Contemporary Issues - Theory and Contemporary Issues courses in the Photography and Media program cover a range of topics that are key to understanding the contemporary debates, histories and movements that shape today's fields of photogra...
APHM620J Envisioning Urban Commons Looking at the current debates and struggles over space, including the role of public and private resources and investment and notions of "the commons" within them (commonly held land, resources, goods, shared and not privatized), this seminar propos...
APHM620K Joy and Leisure The experiences of those from subjugated populations are as dynamic and richly layered as any other group, however the representations and narratives ascribed to these communities are oftentimes rooted only in suffering. While pain and struggle are c...
APHM620L Abolition + Spaces of Dissent "We are the Ones We are Waiting For: Abolition and Spaces of Dissent" is an open form class where we will explore contemporary abolitionist discourse, pandemic and activist media landscapes, and momentary spaces for celebration, daydreaming and disse...
APHM620M Performative Arrangement This class will look at the photography as a record of perpetual performance and/or arrangement of the body. Specifically, we will explore works that are meant to exist, and/or continue to exist as an image, a referent to the action which is no longe...
APHM620N Quasi-Objects (the Ambassador) This course will be devoted to the establishment of an interpretive paradigm (the concept of quasi-objects), and the analysis of a historical moment (3400 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, 1920-present). The "theory of the quasi-object" is introduced...
APHM620P Politics of Portraiture Everyone wants to be seen but not everyone wants to be photographed. This is a class that aims to investigate that paradox. What are the politics of Seeing and what are the politics of being seen? What exactly is a portrait. Is it a conversation, a c...
APHM620Q The Body, the Lens and the Law How have artists activated their own bodies and the bodies of others to examine the human condition and society at large? This class explore the ways in which artists use the human body to explore questions of labor, identify, sexuality, etc. through...
APHM620R Form & Funding While much is made of artistic freedom, the forms into which our efforts flow (sculpture, pictures, performance.) and the containers through which those forms can circulate legibly as artworks (museums, markets, the media.) are rather well-defined. I...
APHM620S Visibility & Authority: AAPI Images Visibility & Authority: Images of Asian America is a seminar that examines the politics of portraiture by focusing on the relationship between still and moving images, and constructions of Asian identity in America. Taking an intersectional and inter...
APHM620T Through an Indigenous Lens In effort to examine and rebuild relationship with the Land, this course will examine personal, social, and institutional relationships to home, site and land and how they intersect in the work of Indigenous makers. It will address our understanding...
APHM640A Narrative: Heroic Distortions Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students'...
APHM640B Fuzzy Pictures Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students...
APHM640C Foto and Film Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of stud...
APHM640D Gendered Geographies Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students...
APHM640E 10 Minutes Or Less Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students...
APHM640F Landscape: The Wilderness Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students...
APHM640G Landscape: The Garden Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of stud...
APHM640H Participant Observer Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students...
APHM640K Photo Idea: Exhibition Open to Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students...
APHM640L Photo Idea: Critique/R&D Lab Work This course is open to Art School BFA2 and above. Also open to students in other schools by permission of instructor. Photo Idea: Critique / R&D is a pre-studio production-based photography project and development course. The goals of this class are...
APHM640S Subject & Image: Portrait Lab Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Examination of the pictorial and socially interactive basis of portraiture. Includes comparisons with painting...
APHM640V Image and Text Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This studio course will examine formal and conceptual strategies for combining image and text. In order to con...
APHM640W It's a Family Affair Open to the Art School only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Drawing upon the myths & experiences of family in Western society, this class will take up representations of t...
APHM640X Representation of Labor & Work Open to Art School BFA 2 and above. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. Representation of Labor and Work (Reading Group) The starting point of this course was a critique in f...
APHM641 Practice Series Practice Courses within the Photography and Media program focus on making work and developing the shape of students' practices. While each course under this category may offer a particular theme or subject matter, its primary organization and outcome...
APHM641C Film and Foto Workshop FILM AND FOTO WORKSHOP Open to BFA 3 and above, MFA candidates. This course may be open to students in other Schools or by Permission of Instructor. FILM AND FOTO WORKSHOP is a short course with the main focus being on questions arising in the use...
APHM641I The Self and Others The Self and Others The notion of intimacy, the use of the body, and the exploration of the self through various creative contexts has always been a point of return in contemporary art practices. In this class, we focus on the toughest type of obser...
APHM641K Broken Windows Broken Windows is an observation of contemporary shifts, regressions and transformations in photographic representation at this moment. Concerns over technological change and ubiquity in photography has aided in a perspectival transition from more co...
APHM641M Photgenic: Performance-for-Camera Photogenic: Performance-for Camera is a course for those interested in exploring liveness, esoteric, narrative dimensions of their work. Throughout the course we'll look at examples of iconic performance documentation, and also look at other sources...
APHM641N Who Is This America? In a time of a resurgent nationalism throughout Western countries, rooted in expressions of racial and ethnic exclusion, this will be a laboratory for projects that take up questions of national identity, the state and globalization - including the m...
APHM641O Photography, Subject and Studio Over the semester students will develop a photo-based project rooted in 1) portraiture and 2) the studio. We will use the dynamics of portraiture to explore the photographer's studio as a site of social, political, aesthetic and material exchange. Th...
APHM641P Make Your Own Book Practice: Photographic Book - Make Your Own Book Books are vehicles for complex structures of sustained photographic meaning. In this sense, books can provide an antidote to a fragmentary, inattentive and fashion-driven photographic culture. We will...
APHM641R Finders & Keepers: Collecting "To collect photographs is to collect the world." states Susan Sontag, in her seminal essay On Photography. As photographers catalog, collect, appropriate the image from the continuous stream of daily life, they turn the things photographed into ot...
APHM641S From Silence Into Action: Artist Writing "[A]nd what I most regretted were my silences," writes Audre Lorde in the essay from which this course borrows its title. Asking what is at stake in our writing, she continues, "[o]f what had I ever been afraid?" Whether we write as ourselves or in a...
APHM641T Object, Place, Memory Using the camera as a tool for excavation, we will explore our unique perspectives, memories and experiences in order to situate ourselves in the image making process and the world. Specifically working to explore our relationship to objects, we will...
APHM641U Body, Space, and the Anti-Document Considering the relationship of the camera and documentation to live and body-based art, this course presents a critical survey of contemporary sculpture, installation, and performance as understood through its written, photographic, video, and/or au...
APHM641V In the Light This class will look at light as a concept, and explore its intimate involvement with the photographic medium. We will work through ideas of light and darkness, in their framing culturally, socially, historically, theoretically, and within the produc...
APHM641W Experimental Documentary Through readings, screenings and discussion we will explore artists' strategies for engaging truth claims in video. We will look closely at ways experimental documentaries use speculative fiction, embodied practices, gossip, and journalistic techniqu...
APHM641X IDEA Course - Street Engagements STREET ENGAGEMENTS will introduce ideas related to injecting the subject of social, environmental, economic, cultural, and visual justice. The subject of personal and social activism will be discussed and referenced to particular historic points of i...
APHM641Y same This performance-based class takes on the task of creating and documenting performances that bring private experiences into the public gaze and discourse. Together we survey different tactics available to index ephemeral gestures, bodily experiences,...
APHM650 Advanced Topics in Photo Media Advanced Topics in Photography & Media is a category of courses which address the expansive field of photographic and media practice. Topics or themes are developed yearly by the faculty to engage historical, theoretical and contemporary issues that...
APHM661Q Subject This course is centered around each student's development of a photo-based project on the topic of the "subject in portraiture" or "representation of the body." No pre-concieved project is required at the beginning of the semester, and we will work a...
APHM699 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
APHM700 MFA Independent Studio This practicum workshop is restricted to Art School MFA students in the Photography and Media program. Students will work on independent projects with the goal of realizing their mid-residency and final exhibitions. Productive conversations with peer...
APHM702 Black & White The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM705 Basic Lighting Course open to Photo/Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide t...
APHM706 Mural Printing This practicum is designed to introduce photography and media students to large-scale printing. Students must bring their own negatives to make large prints. Both color and black and white will be covered, with an emphasis this year on black and whit...
APHM707 HD Video Post Prod. & Sound The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM708 Advance Lighting & Portraiture The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM709 Intro to Digital Post-Process The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM711 Scanning & Photoshop This workshop provides an introduction to Adobe Photoshop software and flatbed scanning. The coursework includes utilizing scanning techniques for both transmissive and reflective materials, using and defining digital imaging and retouching terms, a...
APHM712 Multimedia Web The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM718 Alternative Process Course open to Photo/Media Program only. The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide t...
APHM721 Color Negative Darkroom Printing This workshop provides an introduction to traditional chemical analog color photography work. Covering negative film exposure and darkroom printing. The class uses the the color darkroom facilities in the Photography Lab and the 50 inch color paper...
APHM731 Digital Bookmaking/InDesign The APHM001 Series is comprised of workshops that introduce students to the technologies, techniques and processes that are fundamental to photography and media-based practice. Topics are designed to provide the skill and know how that students requi...
APHM734 DSLR Video & Basics of Post-Production This workshop introduces students to the fundamentals of DSLR video production (camera operation, lighting and sound techniques) and post-production (editing, sound design and playback). It serves as an overview of basic technical skills and principl...
APHM736 Digital Production with DSLR Cameras This workshop is an introduction to digital production with DSLR cameras, covering both still image acquisitions and basics of video and sound capture. Workshop topics will include camera controls, shooting modes, file formats and compression, advanc...
APHM737 Lighting Lab I The goal of Lighting Lab is help students to choose light sources based upon their creative needs, considering how the technical side of photography is also creative, whether in a fine art context or in other professional settings. It introduces stud...
APHM738 Digital Capture with DSLRs Digital Capture: Moving and Still Image with DSLRs This workshop is an introduction to digital production with DSLR cameras, covering both still image acquisition and basics of video and sound capture. Workshop topics will include camera controls, s...
APHM740 Digital Photography's Game-Changer Digital Photography's Game-Changer - High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photographic Technique: Advanced workshop teaching the HDR system for students with a solid grasp of digital photography. Here we will explore how High Dynamic Range extends the boundari...
APHM741 Bookbinding Workshop This workshop will focus on the manual elements of book binding. Students will be able to utilize the CalArts print lab and the resources it has to offer. Students can expect to learn how to fold and sew signatures of a book, saddle stitch with stapl...
APHM746 Physical and Virtual Exhibition Design This workshop will approach exhibition design from the perspective of the post-COVID art world. We will look at the various ways exhibitions are designed for both museums and galleries as well as in the virtual spaces that pre-existed COVID but have...
APHM748 Digital Lab: An Introduction Workshop Digital Lab provides an introduction to navigating the various digital-photographic imaging pathways in the Photography Lab. Topics will include orienting students to the digital production capabilities of the lab's digital facilities, using and defi...
APHM749 Color, Black and White Printing This course will allow students to work on their projects and the use of the lab. Student can develop black & white film and print both Black and white and color analogue prints.
APHM755 Write Your Stakes How does one, how does an artist script a self? We will know ourselves and know what we think when we find the words. This workshop will serve as a testing ground for each of us to try out modes, voices, rhythms, structures, and approaches that enabl...
APHM756 Fashion,fine Art,& Everything Inbetween This course combines lectures, discussions, lighting workshops, and other technical demonstrations to give students hands-on experience creating portraits in-studio and on-location. We will talk about photography as both a commercial practice and art...
APHM758 Not Obvious Self Portraiture This course combines lighting workshops, lectures, discussions, and critiques to help students develop a conceptually driven project that expands the definition of self-portraiture within an artistic practice. In addition to traditional portraiture,...
APHM759 Photo Bookmaking In this workshop, students will design and produce a photo book. The class will briefly cover the history of the artist book, contemporary trends in book design, and the tradition of the photo book. With the aid of readings, discussion, and workshops...
APHM763 Record, Edit, and Mix Sound This is a half semester introductory course, in which students will engage in and learn basic skills to introduce sound elements to their projects. Discussions, lectures, and in class exercises will revolve around topics such as: basic sound design p...
APHM799 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ASPL100 Visiting Artist Lecture Forum Visiting Artist Lecture Forum is a critical and reflective class that runs in parallel to the Paul Brach Visiting Artist Lecture Series (VALS). The class meets weekly. In conjunction with the VALS lectures, the course prepares student to research th...
ASPL500 Visiting Artist Lecture Forum Visiting Artist Lecture Forum is a critical and reflective class that runs in parallel to the Paul Brach Visiting Artist Lecture Series (VALS). The class meets weekly. In conjunction with the VALS lectures, the course prepares student to research th...
ATEK199 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ATEK299 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ATEK350 Revelators, Akousmatikoi - Sound in Art Revelators, Akousmatikoi - Sound in Art, Music, and Ritual is an Art and Technology course focused on artists' use of sound in the creation of performance, recording, and immersive environments. Additionally, the course examines the history and theor...
ATEK351 Hacktivsm/Rebellion as Art A course in discussing and developing artistic ideas and projects in relation to Hacktivism and exploring Rebellion as a framework for art. This class will discuss optimistic futuring, imagining creative solutions for the world's problems using art,...
ATEK399 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ATEK435 Algorithmic Practices I There is a long history of algorithmic processes in art. We will approach our study through the history of Fluxus and conceptual art, as well as trace the lineage of generative art methods. In addition, there will be a focus on using rules, chance, s...
ATEK439 Pandaemonium Arch., Machine Learning Pandaemonium Architecture was introduced in the 1958 Mechanisation of Thought Processes symposium as an early pattern recognition model for AI. Named after the demon-inhabited city in Milton's Paradise Lost, the Pandaemonium Architecture assemblage e...
ATEK441 Tulip Hysteria Coordinating At the peak of the Dutch Tulip mania of 1637, a single bulb cost more than 10 times the yearly wages of a skilled artisan; in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay writes that 12 acres of land were offered in excha...
ATEK499 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ATEK510 Art & Technology Studio I Open to MFA1 Art and Technology students only. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. The goal of this class is to design, construct and install, by the end of the semester, a bod...
ATEK511 Art & Technology Studio II This is a required class for the Art and Technology MFA1 students. This is an interdisciplinary workshop required for Art & Technology students. The workshop will address research, conceptualization, prototyping, new techniques, current digital techn...
ATEK520 Conversations on Tech/Culture This class is required for all MFA1 Art and Technology students. This class is an advanced visiting artist seminar focusing on topics in cross-disciplinary practice, history and theory with in-depth analysis and discussion of critical issues inherent...
ATEK530 Networked Studio & Critique The Networked Studio & Critique is required of all MFA1 Art and Technology students. This class introduces the student to an array of studio and technical practices and research strategies that will be useful throughout a professional artist's career...
ATEK531 Research & Practice: Seminar Research & Practice: Seminar is required of all MFA 1 Art and Technology students. This course may be open to students at other year levels, and in other Schools, by Permission of Instructor. This class introduces the student to an array of studio an...
ATEK599 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ATEK620 Technology, Culture & Critique This is a required class for the Art and Technology MFA2 students. Studio/Critique is framed by an experimental, interdisciplinary and non-traditional approach to art-making while employing various combinations of digital and electronic media (sound...
ATEK630 Research ANd Development In 1948, the RAND Corporation (RAND being a portmanteau of Research ANd Development) split off from the US military's Project RAND to form an "independent" research and development group, adding a third descriptor to what became known as the military...
ATEK635 Algorithmic Practices I There is a long history of algorithmic processes in art. We will approach our study through the history of Fluxus and conceptual art, as well as trace the lineage of generative art methods. In addition, there will be a focus on using rules, chance, s...
ATEK639 Pandaemonium Arch., Machine Learning Pandaemonium Architecture was introduced in the 1958 Mechanisation of Thought Processes symposium as an early pattern recognition model for AI. Named after the demon-inhabited city in Milton's Paradise Lost, the Pandaemonium Architecture assemblage e...
ATEK640 Creative Research This is a required class for the Art and Technology MFA2 students. Creative Research combines the student's studio practice with advanced creative research and technical practices. This course offers space and concentrated time to develop a wide arra...
ATEK641 Tulip Hysteria Coordinating At the peak of the Dutch Tulip mania of 1637, a single bulb cost more than 10 times the yearly wages of a skilled artisan; in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay writes that 12 acres of land were offered in excha...
ATEK650 Revelators, Akousmatikoi - Sound in Art Revelators, Akousmatikoi - Sound in Art, Music, and Ritual is an Art and Technology course focused on artists' use of sound in the creation of performance, recording, and immersive environments. Additionally, the course examines the history and theor...
ATEK651 Hacktivsm/Rebellion as Art A course in discussing and developing artistic ideas and projects in relation to Hacktivism and exploring Rebellion as a framework for art. This class will discuss optimistic futuring, imagining creative solutions for the world's problems using art,...
ATEK699 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...
ATEK700 MFA Art & Technology Practicum Workshop In this practicum, students will engage in the production of a project or series of projects. Projects are open-ended but are intended to intersect with both the students' interests and/or ongoing coursework. Attendance at all sessions is required.
ATEK799 Independent Study Permission of Instructor only. Independent Study is a semester-long agreement developed between a student and a faculty member to discuss ongoing work, a particular project, or a course of study. This agreement, including frequency of meetings a...