Printmaking: Silkscreen


Course Long Title

Printmaking: Silkscreen

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This practicum workshop is
restricted to Art School BFA students. This class
will introduce students to alternative and
advanced silk-screening techniques through
hands-on workshops. Students will learn how to
prepare files for CMYK silk-screening using
Photoshop; how to do CMYK printing; how masking
techniques such as tape/vinyl can be used in a
painting process; and will experiment by directly
painting on the screen before it is printed.
Students will work towards completing one
silk-screen painting by the end of the workshop.
Students must bring their own screens, please
contact the Art Office for details on buying
screens. Different instructors may approach the
method and concept of Printmaking differently.
Attendance at all sessions is required. Limited
to 14 students. (Please refer to course syllabi
provided by each individual instructor for more

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only