Typography in Title Design


Course Long Title

Typography in Title Design

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This workshop is open to the Institute. Manija
Emran is an Afghan Graphic Designer and
Typographer based in Los Angeles. With a love of
the handmade, an eye for detail and an extensive
typographic background, Manija studied in Montreal
before working with celebrated designers across
the world: Vince Frost and Thomas Manss in London,
Philippe Apeloig and Pascal Colrat in Paris, VSA
Partners in New York and Prologue Films & The Mill
in Los Angeles. Her work spans all forms of
design: logo, book and packaging design, signage
and poster design, typography, title sequence and
motion graphic design. Her work includes handmade
title sequences for Rango, Robin Hood, London
Boulevard, Bad Teacher, The Help, Fright Night,
Snow White and The Huntsman, Manhunt, We are the
Giant and most recently The Huntsman. One of the
Top Ten Women of Title Design by the Art of the
Title. Attendance at all sessions is required.
Limited to 14 students.

Registration Restrictions

RGAGRA - Graphic Design Program Only