Diving Deep: Sculptural Critique


Course Long Title

Diving Deep: Sculptural Critique

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This sculptural crit focuses on the development of
each student's personal
artistic voice. The goal is to strengthen
student's understanding of their own
sculptural work and how it relates to the broad
range of techniques, forms
and ideas that comprise contemporary arts practice
and critique. Students
are expected to be self motivated and encouraged
to investigate different
forms and modes of working, including the still
image, time based media,
installation, interactivity, and live art
performance in an interdisciplinary
environment. Students will participate in weekly
critiques, developing rigor
in their ability to see, describe, assess,
understand, contextualize, and
discuss their own work and the work of their
peers. Two students will
present their work at each session, giving ample
time to dive deep into
each practice. Students will be asked to share all
research behind the work.

Registration Restrictions

RGAART - Art Program Students Only