Future of Publications


Course Long Title

Future of Publications

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Mutant Design is a series of upper level graphic
design seminars that deal with relevant and
pertinent topical issues that usually exceed the
traditional boundaries of Graphic Design.
Reading, discussion, assigned projects and/or
field trips may be used to engage students to
examine their work in the context of a
specialized dialog. Please refer to specific
course descriptions as these specify the topic of
the particular class.

The Mutant Design series of classes offers
studies that extend beyond traditional
disciplinary boundaries of graphic design. This
Future of Publications class will take the form
of a design think-tank to imagine potential
compelling 'publication' experiences given the
increasing sophistication and diversity of modes
and means. We'll explore what forms these
encounters might take, what might be different
motivations, what they might look like, and where
and how they might happen.

Registration Restrictions

RGAGRA - Graphic Design Program Only