Department: School of Art

Name Degree Designation Description
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts 4-Year Program The Art BFA track provides solid training in both critical thinking and artistic process, preparing students to be historically grounded thinkers while providing the tools necessary to develop a unique art practice. The curriculum b...
Master of Fine Arts - Art MFA - Master of Fine Arts 2-Year Program The MFA in Art curriculum provides graduate students a great deal of freedom in designing a course of study that best suits their individualized needs. Students are supported in cultivating their own areas of interests, and in develop...
Master of Fine Arts - Graphic Design - 2 Year MFA - Master of Fine Arts 2-Year Program The two-year MFA curriculum focuses on the advanced exploration of form, methodology and practice, informed by a consciousness of the following contexts: contemporary practice, craft, audience, theory and history, and the constantly s...
Master of Fine Arts - Graphic Design - 3 Year MFA - Master of Fine Arts Three-year MFA in Graphic Design is designed for students who do not have a Graphic Design undergraduate degree, but who typically demonstrate a talent and enthusiasm for design, and a level of expertise in their given field. Three-year students have...
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts 4-Year Program Over the course of the Program, BFA Graphic Design students create a body of work that is not simply a string of assignments-but which is uniquely theirs-and prepares them to carve an independent path into graphic design practice with...
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Photography and Media BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts 4-Year Program The BFA track is designed to challenge conventional notions of image and art, encourage experimentation with materials and ideas, and build each artist's sense of the context and personal importance of their work. The curriculum is dis...
Master of Fine Arts - Photography and Media MFA - Master of Fine Arts 2-Year Program The MFA Program centers on graduate critiques, seminars and independent studies with faculty, as students devote the majority of their time to creating a distinctive body of work. Seminars stress critical theory, contemporary issues an...
Master of Fine Arts - Art and Technology MFA - Master of Fine Arts 2-Year Program The Art and Technology curriculum is centered around the student's studio practice, creative research and an exchange of dialogue between peers, visiting artists and faculty. Technical instruction is offered in the creative use of comp...