Digital Workflow: Photoshop & Lightroom


Course Long Title

Digital Workflow: Photoshop & Lightroom

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This practicum workshop is restricted to Art
School BFA Students in the Photo and Media
Program. This class focuses on the pathways our
digital images take between the camera and their
printing or digital presentation. This includes
the processing of raw files between Photoshop and
Lightroom, the organization of our images into a
database, and their archiving, including back-up,
storage and the use of meta-data. Workshop meets
on January 22, 23, 24 and 25 from 6:30 - 10:20 pm
in the MacLab. Attendance at all sessions is
required. Limited to 18 students.

Registration Restrictions

RGAPHM - Photo/Media Program Only