The Disjunctive Image


Course Long Title

The Disjunctive Image

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


With the status of the image destabilized and a
glut of images at our fingertips, disjunctive
images made within and without a camera have
become part of the language of contemporary
photography. This workshop begins with an overview
of various strategies of photo-montaging and
fragmenting images throughout the 20th and 21st
centuries, from the exploration of nonsense by
Dadaists through current practices that work with
and react against the digital image culture.
Students start by establishing their own image
archive to build upon and pull from to produce new
work. They will then incorporate selections from
this archive in exploring different approaches to
creating disjunctive images through compositing in
photoshop, and through photographing with the
camera using the aids of reflections, dissections,
and re-photographing.