Race and Representation


Course Long Title

Race and Representation

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Theory and Contemporary Issues - Theory and
Contemporary Issues courses in the Photography
and Media program cover a range of topics that
are key to understanding the contemporary
debates, histories and movements that shape
today's fields of photographic and media-based
production. Ranging in structure from seminars to
lectures, to production labs, from reading and
writing to hybrid models of theory, practice and
critique, each course has a theme, problem, idea
or a set of questions at its core, around which
the course's larger organization will be based.

The construction of racial stereotypes and racism
will be examined through readings, class
discussion, and analysis of cultural production
in a number of disciplines. Oriented to
upper-level and graduate students. Open to the

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only