Dig. Imagemaking-Dark Magic of Photoshop


Course Long Title

Dig. Imagemaking-Dark Magic of Photoshop

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Digital Imagemaking - Dark Magic of Photoshop.
This practicum workshop is restricted to Art
School BFA students. Layers, masks, channels,
Crtl+T. If you have no idea what they are, this
workshop is for you. Learn the four horsemen and
they will take you far. Digital Imagemaking - Dark
Magic of Photoshop will expand your image-making
capability with both vector and non-vector based
elements. Once the fundamentals are covered, we
will progress to inter-program workflow between
Photoshop, Illustrator and Cinema 4d, to create
dynamic, inventive digital illustrations with a
high level of detail. Prerequisite: Working
knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and
Macintosh computers. Attendance at all sessions is
required. Limited to 14 students.

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only