Sculpture Seminar: Sustainability


Course Long Title

Sculpture Seminar: Sustainability

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Join me in inquiry and research of the following:
What does a sculptural practice looks like when it
is sustainable for our ecosystem, finance, and
mental health? How do we reframe constraints and
policing as possibilities and liberation?
Operating on materials (with its extraction and
production), fabrication, transport and real
estate, sculpture is particularly positioned to
examine various injustice inherently in the art
infrastructre today. How do we disentangle
obfuscating notions such as "art effectiveness" or
"claiming moral high ground"? If the logistics
associated with exhibition-making is
unsustainable, shall we ask if exhibition is
essential? And what lessons have we learnt from
the pandemic about sculpture's incompatibility to
screen mode? No answers or "solutions" will be
offered, only discursive space for your praxis.
Students' research presentations will be augmented
by assigned readings and guest speakers.

Registration Restrictions

No Requisite Courses