Alternative Photo Processes: Cyanotype


Course Long Title

Alternative Photo Processes: Cyanotype

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This course will focus on the experimenting and
investigating the photographic process of
Students will be introduced to making images in
this slow to react and inexpensive process in
which photo sensitive materials react uniquely to
ultraviolet light creating a cyan/blue image on
specially coated paper and other materials. The
chemical process is based on two combined chemical
coated on a surface and is limited to processing
and fixing in water. Originally developed in the
1840s, cyanotype is both visually specific in
color and in tonal range. The process has been a
staple in photo historical surveys and in recent
years has become is both "hands on" and an
aesthetically and informational counterpoint to
contemporary computer / digital methods. The class
requires full attendance, at least three small
final images, and one larger image.

Registration Restrictions

RGAPHM - Photo/Media Program Only