Network Culture


Course Long Title

Network Culture

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Open to students in the Art School only.

Network Culture

The course will examine, analyze, and interpret
aspects of individual/group focused attention,
mass distraction, the creation/dissemination of
concepts/words/products, exponential growth of
beliefs/assumptions based on unverifiable
text/visual information, and the addictive
elements of pop/anti-pop culture. This course
will involve readings from various print and
electronic sources. Students will be required to
view several films. The course will include the
development of publicly disseminated projects
that will incorporate concepts included in course
lectures, discussions, assigned readings/films.
Students will be expected to acquire an
appreciation of the interaction between the
message, messenger, and the recipient. Students
will also be presented with a functional approach
to manipulating information to achieve a desired

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only