Analog in the New Lab


Course Long Title

Analog in the New Lab

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Analog in the New Lab: Course open to BFA1
Photo/Media students only. New Lab is a
semester-long class for all BFA-1 and BFA-2
transfer students in the Photography and Media
Program. It is a course that provides the critical
base for making work in the facility. The intent
of this class is to orient incoming students to
the CalArts Photography Facility and its
production possibilities. The coursework includes
a hands-on approach to photographic and image
techniques widely used in the Program. This
course will focus on the fundamentals of analog
photography. Students will learn how to properly
function 35mm cameras, and use of meters,
apertures, shutter speeds. We will discuss various
equipment, film and paper options out on the
market that will best fit student's needs.
Students will learn how to develop their own black
and white film and print on RC and Fiber based
Papers. We will focus on proper darkroom setup and
workflow. Knowledge of multiple enlarger types and
brands will be gained. Mixing of chemicals and the
use of different dilutions ratios will also be
discussed. The intent of Analog in the New Lab is
to expedite student access to the culture of
technical production within the Photography and
Media Program.