Advanced Digital Color


Course Long Title

Advanced Digital Color

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Advanced Digital Color is designed for students
looking to enhance and expand their knowledge and
skills in digital photography, digital imaging
using Photoshop, and digital photographic
printing. The goal of this course is to
understand digital image processing beyond the
fundamental or introductory level and take the
student through the entire process from color
calibration, high-end negative scanning, advanced
editing concepts in Photoshop, to the final
stages of preparing your images for print, making
printing test samples, and producing exhibition
quality digital pigment prints. Emphasis is
placed on building and employing a practical
color managed system from input to image to
printer, and understanding how to create a better
digital workflow from beginning to end. Students
will work from their own images in class and
should expect to produce one to two large-format
digital pigment prints by the end of the course.

Registration Restrictions

RGAPHM - Photo/Media Program Only
No Requisite Courses