Photgenic: Performance-for-Camera


Course Long Title

Photgenic: Performance-for-Camera

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Photogenic: Performance-for Camera is a course
for those interested in exploring liveness,
esoteric, narrative dimensions of their work.
Throughout the course we'll look at examples of
iconic performance documentation, and also look
at other sources such as lighting design/light
sculpture. We will work on creating individual
snapshot and/or moving image narratives. This
work can sit somewhere between functional
documentation, tableau-like narrative, or
fictional/fantastical (witchy). Reverse it and go
for bleakness. We can be grander by
collaborating; but a finished project is expected
from each participant. This work will be mounted
into an exhibition at the end of the semester.

A way of certifying experience, taking
photographs is also a way of refusing it - by
limiting experience to a search for the
photogenic. -Susan Sontag

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only