Photo Idea: Exhibition


Course Long Title

Photo Idea: Exhibition

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Practice Courses within the Photography and Media
program focus on making work and developing the
shape of students' practices. While each course
under this category may offer a particular theme
or subject matter, its primary organization and
outcomes will center around making. This category
will include, but not be limited to, modes of
production fundamental to photographic and
media-based practice, including film-based and
digital photography, video and moving image
production, sound production, performance and
book-making, and will sometimes include a focus
on the primary genres and categories of
production common to media and photography.

Photo Idea is a practice series of 3
photo-sentric classes consisting of Books,
Exhibition and Practice that can be taken in
order or one at a time.

Photo Idea: Exhibition is a production course.
The idea of this class is to focus on project
development through two exhibitions. The first
exhibition in November is a "test run" - or
following an idea of an exploded notebook of the
ideas, images, and resources generated to that
point. The second exhibition, in late December,
is a focused portion of that work that accurately
represents the student's work and ideas.

Part of the presumption of this class is that we
work together in critique and idea generating
sessions casting a broad net
to consider the multiple contextual and
exhibition possibilities for a work rooted in
contemporary photography or what might be
suitably described as essentially a photography
reliant idea. In this we honor the interests of
artists who are deeply engaged in an ongoing
dialogue with the medium and individual avenues
of inquiry that have at their base an idea of
photographic capacity.

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only