Next Level Clay


Course Long Title

Next Level Clay

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This course will explore advanced methods for the
production of clay / ceramic sculpture and design
objects. Students will work on projects
independently with weekly group meetings for
progress reports of in-process work.
Individualized one-on-one instruction and small
group workshops will be available throughout the
semester as needed. The class will be encouraged
to experiment with advanced ceramic techniques as
their interest and practice dictates and report to
the group their process and findings. Advanced
techniques may include (but are not limited to)
large scale sculpture, glaze chemistry, production
of multiples, specialized surface treatments etc.
The class will work toward two deadlines, each
culminating in the form of a group exhibition and
critique. There is a $50.00 course fee which
provides the class with some basic and specialty
materials and equipment needed however students
should be prepared to potentially purchase
additional materials if their proposed project
requires it.

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only
No Requisite Courses