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Course Long Title


Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This course is centered around each student's
development of a photo-based project on the topic
of the "subject in portraiture" or
"representation of the body." No pre-concieved
project is required at the beginning of the
semester, and we will work as a group toward
realizing each student's final project. Projects
can center on visualizing or constructing the
body, depicting or documenting human conditions,
for example. Weekly lectures and assigned
readings will highlight concepts of subjectivity,
objectification, care, responsibility, intimacy
and distance. Class time will be split between
lectures, group discussion and
presentation/critiques, although students will be
required to work on their projects on their own
time. Critiques are mandatory and will focus on
the conceptual, relational and material
approaches of each student to their developing
Students should expect to spend approx. $100.00
on additional course materials and supplies.

Registration Restrictions

RGART - Art School Only