Write Your Stakes


Course Long Title

Write Your Stakes

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


How does one, how does an artist script a self? We
will know ourselves and know what we think when we
find the words. This workshop will serve as a
testing ground for each of us to try out modes,
voices, rhythms, structures, and approaches that
enable us to articulate some sentiment in writing
and capture a vision. We will read and discuss
models, trying our hand at different forms, from
the personal and diaristic to the exhibition
review, artist statement, press release,
contributor's note, and blurb. Writing is thought
in action, as it's happening, often labored and
slow but also fleet and high as a kite. It needn't
look any certain way because thoughts can look any
which way, it need only function for your

"Man does not exist prior to language, either as a
species or as an individual."
-Roland Barthes