Experimental Game Design


Course Long Title

Experimental Game Design

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This course is an intro level exploration of the concepts of "gameplay", focusing on how to make our works "playful" and "playable." Students will embark on their game design journey by uncovering potential gameplay elements and connections from non-game media, physical/video games and everyday life experiences.
The first half of the class is seeking and thinking gameplay. Begin with finding possible playfulness in non-game media, and then focusing on how to build a game around one core element. Finally, exploring how the fusion of gameplay mechanics with artistic and narrative elements can create captivating experiences, inspiring them to conceptualize their own game ideas.
The second half is to help students bring their ideas to life. Introducing simple game-making tools and exploring the possibilities of it. Most importantly, understanding the production process of an interactive project, how to improve the playability through testing, mock-up, and iteration.
A "playable" final project can take various forms: video/physical game, tabletop games, illustration/installation/comics, an imaginary game's manuals or trailers, and more!
By the course's conclusion, students will be empowered to discover their unique game language and apply it to their future creations.