Talking Sketchbook: Silhouetted Image


Course Long Title

Talking Sketchbook: Silhouetted Image

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Course overview:
This course is designed to harness the bold and captivating power of the silhouetted image.

Short areas of playful animatic investigations along with self-generated audio bites, that attempt to loosely document the spontaneous work process of pre-visualization and its steady search for unusual behaviors within the cosmology of "The Moving Image."

This class is designed to limit anxieties within the diverse methodologies of the mediums/techniques of experimental animation. Focusing rather on a stripped-down approach that utilizes basic materials; black paper, audio capturing devices and the sketchbook to produce bold energetic gestural stop-motion animatic studies.

Methods/n/u2022/tThe silhouette (Black paper cutouts)/n/u2022/tAbstraction/n/u2022/tSecondary motion, breathing life into main motion/n/u2022/tCapturing Environmental song bites/n/u2022/tThe unfolding image sequences./n/u2022/tShow and tell (audio visual presentations)/n/u2022/tClass discussions / Critiques/n