Advanced Interactive Production Workshop


Course Long Title

Advanced Interactive Production Workshop

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This course, open to the institute, is for those
wanting to make cinematic work for the Vortex
Dome, a fifty foot diameter hemispheric dome
located near downtown Los Angeles. In this
course, students will create proposals for work
that will be completed in the spring. Individual
pieces for for the dome will be integrated by
class members into a unified
viewing/participatory experience. Options for
the final work will include non-interactive,
interactive, participatory, and performative
approaches and hybrids, and any other
elements/aspects as class members invent/decide
upon. In other words, the course functions to
assist experimental approaches to time-based art
forms within a visually encompassing experience.
Students will learn technical options, in
addition to investigation of implications for
narrative, non-narrative, documentary, cinematic,
non-cinematic, sound-based, and other dome-art
pieces. We are not stuck in a dogma of any kind.
We will examine what can be different about
dome-based work and what opportunities have not
yet been explored elsewhere. Open to the
Institute. For MFAs, and students at BFA3 and
BFA4 year levels. For students producing
advanced work, but no prerequisite is strictly
required. By permission of instructor.