Exp Animation Undergrad Critique A


Course Long Title

Exp Animation Undergrad Critique A

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Special Permission from Instructor required
(interested students must email Leighton Pierce,
lpierce@calarts.edu by Sept 4th 2020). This is a
required course open to BFA4 and select BFA3
Experimental Animation students. This course
supports 3rd and 4th year BFA students as they
develop and complete a significant project in
preparation for their graduation review. It is
structured as a collegial seminar, leveraging the
expertise of each class member in the service of
assisting the others with the fullest realization
of their projects. Students share their work --
from the initial stages of development through
completion -- in a series of scheduled
presentations and group critiques. In addition to
supporting substantial work on individual
projects, this class is intended to hone every
student's evaluative, critical, and communicative

This is a required course to be completed twice
across the BFA 3rd and 4th years.
Class size is limited to 15.
BFA3s may request this course but priority will be
given to BFA4s.
Credits are variable from 3-6 per semester with a
limit of 12 credits across both semesters.
Special permission for registration is required to
determine appropriate credit load with instructor.
No Requisite Courses