Previsualization Techniques


Course Long Title

Previsualization Techniques

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


The desire to maintain autonomous development in
the increasingly diffuse world of animation and
the experimental film is rigorously explored. How
ideas are shaped through processes between
content, text and image are regularly developed
while looking at different forms of technique,
staging and composition. Craft allows for a
practical form to gather ways to consider shape
for our ideas. The class will pursue regular
creative work in workshops, using media concepts,
theoretics, links in film language and design
along with screenings, film analysis, and regular
student presentations. Students will be given
substantial time to present ideas and content,
receive feedback, and learn to process ideas.

Open to the Institute with priority given to
Film/Video Students

Students should expect to spend approximately
$50 - $100 on supplies.