Alchemical Cinema


Course Long Title

Alchemical Cinema

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Course available by permission of instructor
This course offers an introduction to the
mysteries of photographic film-its properties,
processes, and potentials. Technique is
introduced as an organic component of the
expressive arsenal. Everything is DIY and
low-tech, as students hand-process films
utilizing a variety of easily available tools and
chemicals. B/W and color developing, reversal and
negative, and high and low contrast emulsions
will be explored from an artistÈs perspective.
After learning the basic principles of
photochemistry, students will be presented with
an array of non-standard techniques, ranging from
cross-processing to Rayographs and different
methods of film distress-all transforming
commonplace materials into cinematic magic.
No Requisite Courses