Media Sketchbook: Light, Space and Time


Course Long Title

Media Sketchbook: Light, Space and Time

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


"Media are our infrastructures of being, the
habitats and materials through which we act and some level, expression and existence
merge." (John Durham Peters, The Marvelous Clouds)

In this course students will plumb the reaches of
their own archive of collected material; photo
text video and film, creating works that encourage
a heightened awareness of the means through which
we absorb and share expressions of ourselves and
our world. In workshop settings we look at what
happens as hand speaks to eye, and how such
primary gestures have evolved into a fugitive
complex of remote cause and effect. Through
screenings, readings, discussion and in-class
collaborative exercises, we will consider the
notion of speculative representations, media
portraits and self in forms that both trouble and
harmonize inner and outer worlds. Students will
complete a fully realized work at the course

Registration Restrictions

RGFPFV - Film/Video Program Students Only