Advanced Narrative Production


Course Long Title

Advanced Narrative Production

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Advanced Narrative Production and directing the
Camera Workshop

Advanced Narrative Production (producing the 4
minute film, one day shoot) students will be
placed into 2 teams of 6 and rotate production
roles: director, assistant director,
cinematographer, gaffer, and sound mix-boom
operator. The class is divided into 3 parts:
Pre-production, Production, and Post- Production.
During the first 3 weeks students must complete
their scripts and produce their films.
During the lab period, students will engage in
intensive production of coverage so as to prepare
them for some of the problematic areas of camera
coverage they may encounter on set. Students will
learn set protocol and learn each position.
Directors will have an opportunity to hone their
directing and directing the camera skills.
When in the director position, students will
prepare a production dossier (including cast,
location, directing notes, script breakdown,
floor plans and shot list, and storyboards,
director's tech scout with DP, and design),
produce and cast their own films, complete a tech
scout, and shoot their film.
After a shoot, the class reconvenes to give a
written assessment of their performance. The goal
of this class is collaboration as well as
building confidence in set protocol and
skillfully and efficiently thinking on one's feet
in order to achieve the impossible in a short
shoot. Students are assigned randomly to their
groups and have a chance to gain production
experience in each role. Students are encouraged
to focus on the role they are in while they are
in that role.