Composing in Space


Course Long Title

Composing in Space

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This cinematography class is focused on
solidifying the knowledge of students who have a
foundation in cinematography by looking at and
working with specific aspect ratios, textures and
camera movements. The students will analyze and
practice different techniques in film examples and
then work on blocking scenes for different formats
like academy, cinemascope or small screen.
Throughout the class, the students will learn
(using 16 mm film and digital RED cameras) to work
with different lenses, and creative use of look up
tables (LUTs). The students will also practice
working on combining different camera formats,
depending on the needs in a project for
documentary, narrative, experimental or
installation projects. Because cinematography
can't be separated from the essential work of
lighting, we will analyze lightning practices in
original locations looking at different light
sources and techniques (e.g. controlling
saturation, exposure, contrast ratios, and texture
for fictional and documentary scenes). The class
will be led through in-class lectures and hands-on

Registration Restrictions

RGFPFV - Film/Video Program Students Only