Together At Last


Course Long Title

Together At Last

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


TOGETHER AT LAST is designed for students who took
FPFV203/503 Cinematography, FPFV134/534 Digital
Editing and FPFV285/585 Production Sound remotely
during the pandemic. The course will go over
essential hands-on skills and introduce students
to campus facilities and equipment that were not
available during our remote year. This will
include the shooting studios, editing suites and a
variety of equipment. Team taught by three faculty
members, the students will work in small crews to
produce a short remake that will include shooting
in the studios and on location and give students
the opportunity to each edit their own version of
the collaborative film.

Registration Restrictions

RGFPFV - Film/Video Program Students Only
No Requisite Courses