Thesis Workshop


Course Long Title

Thesis Workshop

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This seminar is a creative and practical
environment designed to facilitate the completion
of the student's thesis project. While much of the
work will center around group critiques and
discussions of the editing of each student's
individual film, the class will also include
discussions about sound design, sound mixing,
post-production, festival/exhibition preparation
and materials, and professional life after

Students will complete their thesis films and
develop their skills in critical discussion and
debate about creative work. They will move towards
developing their own process as art makers through
working on their own film and witnessing the
completion of major works by their peers.

Students are to show work in the workshop AT LEAST
twice. The course will be graded on attendance
and participation; students are expected to be
critical, active members of the workshop
discussion. The course is predominantly a
discussion among the students as makers; faculty
are there to facilitate that discussion.