Questions of Third Cinema


Course Long Title

Questions of Third Cinema

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


The concept of 'Third Cinema', coined in Latin
America by filmmakers Fernando Solanas and
Octavio Getino, implies a critical reappraisal of
the national or cultural specificity,
post-colonial identity, the dialectical
connection between domination/subordination,
centre/periphery and resistance/hegemony. While
First Cinema is Hollywood, Second Cinema is
Western 'auteur' cinema, Third Cinema is
resolutely non-capitalist and non-Western. We
will look at films from Africa, the Arab World,
East India, Latin America, Taiwan...but also
films that assert a cultural/political resistance
within Western industrialized countries, such as
African American cinema, the Black British
workshops and the 'Beur' films in France.
Offered by Program in Film and Video. May be
repeated for credit.