Experiments in Experience: Non-Fiction


Course Long Title

Experiments in Experience: Non-Fiction

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Nonfiction has the potential to be something more than what readers expect, and every writer has a variety of choices to make in determining what shape to craft their work depending on the subject. A profile of an artist may include the author's interactions with the subject; reportage might be interrupted by the personal. A book of one's dreams can be designated a "dreamoir"; a text of literary or social criticism may contain memoiristic elements. Writing about the self can be joyous and funny, as well as challenging and complex. Writing artfully about others while maintaining an anchored I or self for the reader takes skill in the form of wide reading, and deep, ongoing practice. In this class, we will look at some forms within the nonfiction genre, roughly described as Profiles, Humor, Experimental, Reportage, Distillation of a Nervous System (shout out to Margo Jefferson, who we'll be reading), and Literary and Social Criticism. Using the required texts, articles, and podcasts, we'll examine these forms and their uses, and generate new work week to week that uses these forms as learning models. The class will not be a traditional workshop, but more a weekly conversation in which students will share their experience with the selected forms via the readings, and receive informal feedback and revision strategies on the written assignments produced. The practice in forms will culminate in a final portfolio that will include a minimum of three of the forms described.

Registration Restrictions

RGCMWP - Creative Writing Program Only