Performing Costume


Course Long Title

Performing Costume

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


"In order to see a painting, one must be a
Sam Gilliam, 1986.
Wearing a costume can be seen as a transformative
experience, that affects the wearer physically and
psychologically. This workshop entitled "name?",
enable students to use their bodies as a tool in
their creative process, by sculpting and
performing their costume works.
Costumes create a "new body", whose volume
influence posture, movement, interaction with
other bodies as well as the perception of space.
Students will be exposed to these notions, to gain
a better understanding of the physical experience
of wearing a costume.
The methods used in this workshop approach
costumes in an experimental and multi-disciplinary
way, by means of:
Visual research
An important amount of volumic research on the
body, transforming the human figure into a walking
sculpture, amplifying the natural silhouette
(Volumic Body).
A research in movement, or how to use the volume
of the costume to occupy space (Body in Space).
A complete documentation of the creative process,
from fabrication to performing the costumes, in
the form of photographs and/or film.