Independent Producing


Course Long Title

Independent Producing

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Independent Producing is an exploration of the
artist-driven process with emphasis on the
collaborative role of the emerging creative
Through a series of guided lectures intended to
provide valuable insight into the role of the
creative producer, and classroom discussions
curated to provide necessary self- reflection,
the course will analyze the current creative
landscape focusing on the live performance work
around Los Angeles.
The class will operate through the lens of the
individual artist as the main source of influence
behind a project's conception, development, and
actualization. Encouraging participants to create
work that empowers oneself, students will be
allowed to use original work, and School of
Theater productions to engage with the
discussions in the classroom.
The course will articulate the basics of creating
& articulating a vision, devising an action plan,
establishing a team, and leading a group toward
its successful collective goals. We will focus on
different cornerstones of the producing process
including fundraising, budgeting & cash flow,
developing relationships, marketing & publicity,
crowdsourcing, and the leading the collaborative
dramaturgical process.
The course will explore different types of
producing models including the work and process
companies such as Poor Dog Group, Wilderness,
Octopus Theatricals, and Punchdrunk. The course
will also introduce and familiarize students with
the unique support that is available to create
work through various arts service organizations
such as the Network of Ensemble Theaters, Theatre
Communications Group, and Fractured Atlas.
The course will utilize samples from texts like A
Director Prepares by Anne Bogart, The Ideal
Theater by Todd London, Making Things Happen by
Scott Berkun, and Julia Cameron's The Artists'
Way. We will also utilize podcasts such as The
Producers' Perspective (Interview with Leigh
Silverman), TCG OffScript (Mark Valdez Defines
Ensemble), and No Proscenium (Interview with
Third Rail Projects). The course will also
feature at least one guest speaker from the Los
Angeles area.

Registration Restrictions

RGATHE - School of Theater Students Only