Unity Game Engine: Prog. C#

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Unity Game Engine: Prog. C#

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Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Unity Game Engine: Programming in C#

How do I make a door open when a player walks near it? How do I get video to play when the viewer touches this button? Why doesn't this software I'm using have a tool to do what I want?
Because no one has programmed code to do that yet! You can either rely on the whims of software developers for the rest of your life - or you can learn how to create solutions to your technical problems. This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of computer programming using the Unity game engine. We will be using the C#
(pronounced: "see sharp") programming language to develop Unity Scripts - but the concepts learned will be broadly applicable to other programming
languages and challenges.

Note: This is a companion class to Unity Game Engine for Interaction & VR/AR and it is strongly encouraged that you take both.

Registration Restrictions

RGDAPS - D & P Programs and Specializations
No Requisite Courses