Collage: the Collage Novel


Course Long Title

Collage: the Collage Novel

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Collage: Special Concentration-- The Collage

This edition of COLLAGE will be a special
variant focused exclusively on the Collage
Novel. Using Max Ernst's 1930's surrealist and
visual classic "Un Semaine De Bonte" as our model
and jump off point, students will spend the
semester creating their own version of a collage
novel in a medium of their choice. Students will
be expected to work on their projects in class as
well as at home. Class time will also be devoted
to the presentation and discussion of works in
progress, discussion of major issues of the
collage form and to the viewing of outstanding
examples of the genre in fine art, writing,
music, film and theater. In general, students are
encouraged to customize assignments to their
specific perspective and metiers as much as

Students should expect to spend up to $200 for
the purchase of materials and various texts.
Open to all Theater School and Institute
students, BFA 2 and above.