Intro to Personal Filmmaking


Course Long Title

Intro to Personal Filmmaking

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


The camera has become a regular participant in
theater work in a wide variety of ways. Theater
Artists need to come to grips with the camera as
part of their everyday reality. This production
class has been designed specifically to introduce
Theater School students, BFA2 & above, to the
aesthetic possibilities of artist-based

The first half of the semester is devoted to a
series of 4 exercise assignments where students
encounter the building blocks of visual
filmmaking. These exercises are like visual
calisthenics; their restrictions and limitations
challenge the students to grow the visual and
formal side of their camera use and will help
students deepen their understanding of
composition, movement, sensitivity to light, and
rhythm through editing. The second half of the
semester will be devoted to the students creation
of a longer film of at least 5 minutes in a final
project of their own choosing. The completed
exercises and final project will be presented for
in-class screening, feedback, discussion and
critique. The assignments are also used as
springboards into foundational aethestic
discussions about film form.

Students will be required to provide their own
camera, editing program and hard drives for their
projects. Consumer level versions of this
equipment and software systems are completely
acceptable for use.

There may be additional fees associated with this
course for supplies, books, or other materials.
For more specific costs please view the syllabus
or speak with the instructor.

Registration Restrictions

RGATHE - School of Theater Students Only