Theater Pilots: Where Do Good Ideas Come


Course Long Title

Theater Pilots: Where Do Good Ideas Come

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Where do good ideas come from? And once we have
the seed of a good idea, how do we nurture it and
make it stronger? We will explore a variety of
strategies for opening ourselves in ways that
allow good ideas to find us, that allow us to know
a good idea when we have one, and that support the
process of developing that idea to its greatest
potential. We will practice meditation, go for
walks, do push ups, and have snacks. And then talk
about it and what we noticed while we did it. We
will talk about things that inspire us and reveal
our personal "failure resumes". We will read about
being wrong. And talk about it. And we will do our
best to be right. This class is designed for
students who are creatively inspired and pushing
to find their voice, but secretly feel like they
haven't figured it out yet. Don't worry, nobody
really has. It's all a work in progress. And we
will work on it together.

Registration Restrictions

RGTDPFSM - D&P Foundation and Stage Managers