Design & Production Production


Course Long Title

Design & Production Production

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Open to BFA Design Program students only.
Every learning goal of the Design program is
experienced in production. Live performance
experiences expose the student to a variety of
aesthetic and practical approaches that challenge
and expand awareness of the infinite
possibilities of art-making and creativity.
Students are assigned production work for credit
based on mtier of interest.
Coursework is a combined experience of class
instruction, hands-on skills practice and
supervised lab hours dedicated to an actual
production. Due to the fact that class
instruction exists to supplement production, it
partially shares the time slot with weekly
production meetings which students assigned
leadership roles will be required to attend.
This is a variable unit course. Registration is
permission of instructor to determine correct
unit value. Credit given to theater school
designers, managers and technical directors for
work in their metier on theater school projects
and production. Credit varies based on
expectations of the role the student plays in the
production process, both in commitment of time
and responsibility.

Registration Restrictions

RGDAPS - D & P Programs and Specializations