Survey of World Theater - Arts Activism


Course Long Title

Survey of World Theater - Arts Activism

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This survey course (open to BFA3-4s) will explore
the work of radical collectives, community
artists, guerrilla performers, and other modern
and contemporary troublemakers and active agents
whose artistic practices are fundamentally
committed to social justice through the arts. We
will investigate theoretical and historical
references as they relate to public and
context-based work within
and outside of institutional environments. We will
explore work as it pertains to the performance
arts, visual arts, writing arts, community
building/organizing, and other practices that
eloquently question/examine the dynamics between
artists and their communities. Theory and praxis
come together through participation in
student-designed projects.

Registration Restrictions

RGATHE - School of Theater Students Only
No Requisite Courses