MFA 2 Acting Studio


Course Long Title

MFA 2 Acting Studio

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Course open to MFA2 Acting Program students only.
A two-semester course focused on a classical
period drama. First semester is devoted to
Shakespeare and understanding of the language,
its importance and clarity in the performance.
Second part of the year also concentrates on
language and it varies from Greeks (Aristophanes,
Sophocles) to Restoration and more. Complexity of
the material demands at first learning the
application of fundamental acting skills. That
includes enabling all acting apparatus to work in
synchronicity. Attention to language in
connection to breathing and adopting the
characters in all their complexity. Understanding
of the psychology behind the words is important
as much as learning to translate that energy into
the action. Dramatic and extraordinary texture of
the works we are investigating is giving the
students the opportunity and supports them to
explore and use freely their imagination. It is
not about the rules- rather, it is about
expression and transformation, about power and

Registration Restrictions

RGTACT - Acting Program Only
No Requisite Courses