BFA 2 Acting Studio


Course Long Title

BFA 2 Acting Studio

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Course open to BFA2 Acting Program students only.
The mission of the BFA II Acting Studio is to
shift the actor's attention to the world of
language and heightened text. The intention is to
get the language into the mouth and body of the
actor using the disciplines of the text, as well
as improvisation and exercises to free the
actor's imagination in response to the word.
Emphasis is placed throughout the year on
truthful, specific, moment-to-moment way of
acting using classical texts, with the aim of
developing an actor who is skilled and
comfortable approaching any level of text they
may encounter during the course of a career in
the theater. Disciplines learned in other classes
(speech, voice, movement, text analysis), and the
actor's creative instinct, passion, and
imagination are brought together in BFA -2 Acting

Registration Restrictions

RGTACT - Acting Program Only
No Requisite Courses