Useless Software


Course Long Title

Useless Software

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


"Useless Software" is a graduate level studio course that explores the history and practices of creative coding by engaging with computation, poetry, non-functional glitchy software, and web based digital image production. This course offers students an opportunity to explore noncommercial, art-oriented software in shaping online artistic communities and "radical" software culture through programming using the p5.js javascript library, computer graphics programming, and community based software distribution.
In this course, we will not only engage with the history and theory of "creative coding" but we will also gain hands-on and "minds-on" experience in coding and developing software that doesn't serve any direct commercial purpose. Useless Software creates a space to explore self developed algorithms, systems aesthetics, and the nature of the glitch. Classes will encompass an examination of a wide array of software art, including methods for the generation and/or manipulation of audio-visual data, text/digital poetry, surface hacks, and the innovative use of instruction sets/algorithms, and code as artistic anti-material. This approach will enable students to create their own programs and projects, bridging the gap between technical skill and artistic experimentation.
Students will be encouraged to author their own algorithms and programs while navigating the potential of web based media. No programming experience is required.