Music Technology BFA Project


Course Long Title

Music Technology BFA Project

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Course open to BFA3 or BFA4 Music Technology
Program students only.
This is a project-based course in which students
work with their mentor to create a final project
in which all knowledge learned during the degree
is culminated, helping build the studentÈs
portfolio. Students will propose a novel
research project, interactive music interface,
software development or other music
technology-based idea. The work of other artists
or engineers who have influenced the project will
be researched. Then the student will begin
development with weekly checkpoints set by the
mentor. Final projects will include a final
presentation, a 15-25 page write-up describing
the work completed, as well as a webpage with
sound and video examples.

Registration Restrictions

RGMTEC - Music Technology Program Only