Women in Western Music History


Course Long Title

Women in Western Music History

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This would be a class on women in the history of
Western art music from Ancient Music through the
present day, combining musicology, sociology,
music theory, ethnomusicology, political science,
world history, hermeneutics, feminist theory,
philosophy, gender studies, pop music analysis and
more fields as needed to provide a fuller picture
on the role of women throughout music history.
Women have been active in music from the first
named composer to the present day as composers,
performers, patrons, teachers, critics,
historians, students, conductors, producers,
financial backers, and much more. This course
seeks to prove the dedication written by Maddalena
Casulana in 1568 in her First Book of Madrigals
for Four Voices, dedicated to Isabella de' Medici,
"I want to show the world, as much as I can in
this profession of music, the vain error of men
that they alone possess the gifts of intellect and
artistry, and that such gifts are never given to