Interactive Particle Systems


Course Long Title

Interactive Particle Systems

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Particle systems are a fascinating way of
expressing human and any beings' interactions
inside a digital or computational system. This
course will be focused on taking a next step in
the c++ programming language, reviewing core
concepts of coding and recreating them using
OpenFrameworks, an open source toolkit designed
for creative coding written in c++. Students will
be guided to translate their code from Processing,
a Java based programming language to write it c++
based coding in OpenFrameworks. Towards the end of
the course a portion of electronics and
microcontroller concepts will be implemented to
interact with the particle systems that have
already been created.

This course is focused to be a further step in the
creative code languages such P5js, Processing and
chuck. To apply the same concepts to the c++
environment, working towards the same project of
particle system creation.

It is directed to students that wish to push
themselves out of a comfort zone of coding
concepts and are willing to dive into a much
deeper and wider world of programming languages.
It will need persistence and a lot of self effort
to get to understand new concepts.
No Requisite Courses