Experiments in Film Sound


Course Long Title

Experiments in Film Sound

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This course will explore the development of sound
manipulation techniques for film--including
Eisenstein's vertical montages, the BBC
Radiophonic Workshop's musique concrete
strategies, David Lynch's industrial drones, and
Wendy Carlos' synthesized soundscapes--and apply
these strategies to create our own audio works for
the moving image. We learn how to use EQ to make
sounds more sinister or sweet; how to use panning
and ambience to expand cinematic width and depth;
and how to use acousmatic sounds to draw the
audience into the world of the film. We will also
explore the relationship between sound and image,
and how sound can be employed in collaboration
with or opposition to the image.
This course will include lectures, discussions,
and technical demonstrations, along with a weekly
Students will develop their own libraries of
sounds they have created. Each participant will
also develop a 5-7-minute film sound project,
which will be screened on the final day.