Wires in Motion


Course Long Title

Wires in Motion

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This class will serve as an introduction to the
implementation of motion sensor technology into
interactive art-making. This course will break
down motion sensor types and their everyday
functions in order to repurpose them for
interactive dance performance and motion-based
installations. Students will then have the
opportunity to "play" with various sensors and to
prototype experiments, culminating into an
informal showcase.

This is neither a coding nor circuitry class and
no experience is necessary. While these subjects
will be discussed and demonstrated in various
fashions, they will be contextualized through the
lens of art making.

However, experienced programmers of any level are
welcome and encouraged to hack the provided and
pre-designed materials.

A personal laptop is required, as well as research
and collaborative work outside of class.

This course will be open to all métiers. Class
limit size of 10.