Intern - Work Experience


Course Long Title

Intern - Work Experience

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


This internship is an on-site (in-person, hybrid,
or remote, depending on the job offer) work
experience directly related to the student's
program or career interest. It is completed during
the fall, spring or summer semester and can be
paid or unpaid, depending on the company's offer.
The Patty Disney Center for Life & Work has a
robust program, starting with a formal contract
and waiver that the student, on-site supervisor,
and faculty supervisor sign which outlines program
expectations, goals, and time commitment. Interns
are required to attend a welcome
orientation/training at the beginning of the
semester, a mid-point check in with our Life &
Work Advisor, and complete an evaluation upon
concluding the internship. On-site supervisors at
the host company meet with our Assistant Director
of Career Connections & Development for a
mid-point check in and must submit an evaluation
of the intern at the conclusion of the internship.
The Center For Life & Work Director grades the
internship based on student and on-site supervisor
evaluations, and sends your faculty supervisor the
grade and any notable comments about their
assessment of the internship.
An internship provides the opportunity to gain
valuable work experience before graduating;
develop new skills and refine others, apply
knowledge gained from coursework to on-the-job
situations; reality-test tentative career choices;
meet and work with professionals, establishing
contacts for letters of reference and networking;
experience new work environments; and earn money
for tuition and expenses.

To begin the process of requesting academic credit
for an internship after receiving an offer letter,
and additional information about Internships
please visit this link on the "">HUB>.